Individual grants
2022. Theoretical and experimental framework for encoding and analysis of restricted anisotropic diffusion and flow with magnetic resonance (Project research grant 2022-04422_VR, 4 yr) Swedish Research Council (VR)
2021. Application of novel magnetic resonance multidimensional diffusion imaging in non-invasive diagnosis of brain tumor heterogeneity (Joint China–Sweden Mobility grant CH2020-8775, 3 yr) Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT)
2018. MRI methods for quantifying microscopic heterogeneity of brain tissue (Project research grant 2018-03697, 4 yr) Swedish Research Council (VR)
2018. MRI method for quantifying microscopic heterogeneity (Instrument, Technique and Method Development 2017 ITM17-0267, 3 yr) Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
2014. Magnetic resonance methods for mapping brain microstructure (Project research grant , 4 yr) Swedish Research Council (VR)
2012. Molecular dynamics in solid dosage forms (Research grant 20120759, 1 yr) Crafoord Foundation
2011. Magnetic resonance methods for medicine and materials science (Project research grant 2011-4334, 3 yr) Swedish Research Council (VR)
2010. Exploring pharmaceutical systems in the "almost dry regime" (Research grant, 2 yr) Crafoord Foundation
2008. NMR methods for studying colloidal structures in biological materials (Project research grant 2008-4982, 3 yr) Swedish Research Council (VR)
2007. Human brain microstructure studied with frequency-domain diffusion MRI (Research grant, 1 yr) Crafoord Foundation
2005. Molecular mobility in microheterogeneous media (Ingvar Carlsson Award, 3 yr) Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
2004. Molecular mobility in microheterogeneous media (Junior research position 2004-4167, 4 yr) Swedish Research Council (VR)
2003. Förbättring av NMR-signalens styrka och upplösning för studier av mikroheterogena system (Postdoctoral grant 2003-282, 2 yr) Swedish Research Council (VR)
Other grants
2016. Physical chemistry of peptide-lipid co-assembly: from lipid-rich to peptide-rich (Project grant, 5 yr) Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW); Main applicant: Sara Snogerup Linse, Lund University.
2014.Multidimensional diffusion MRI (Framework grant AM13-0090, 5 yr) Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF); Main applicant: Carl-Fredrik Westin, Harvard Medical School.
2011. NMR-center at the Department of Chemistry (Infrastructure grant, 5 yr) Faculty of Science. Co-applicants: Mikael Akke, Ola Wendt, Olov Sterner.
2009. OncoPulse - bench to bedside, and back (Innovationsprogram för grundforskning - pilot 2009) VINNOVA; Project leader: Anna Stenstam, Colloidal Resource AB.
2006. Organizing molecular matter (Linneaus grant 2006-123, 2008-6585, 2009-6794) Swedish Research Council (VR); Main applicant: Håkan Wennerström.
2005. NMR equipment for research in colloidal chemistry (Equipment grant 2005-2936) Swedish Research Council (VR); Main applicant: Olle Söderman.