Super-resolution fluorescence microscope
The division has a custom-made fluorescence microscope capable of super-resolution imaging (STORM/PALM) simultaneously at two wavelengths. The setup is based around a Nikon Eclipse Ti-E microscope, with a Nikon Apo TIRF 100x (NA = 1.49) oil objective. Excitation light comes from either of four Oxxius diode lasers operating at 405 nm (100 mW power), 488 nm (100 mW power), 561 (100 mW power) and 638 nm (180 mW power). Images are collected with a sCMOS camera from Photometrics (Prime 95B). The software used to control the setup is the open source program Micro-Manager. Funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the Carl Tesdorpf Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.