Jan 30: Minisymposium om Biomolecular Assemblies
Nov 4-6: Self-assembly in Life and Materials Science
The symposium will be jointly organised by COMMONS & the Surface and Materials Chemistry section of the Swedish Chemical Society, focused around fundamental self-assembly properties of biomembranes and biomolecules.
Where: Stadshallen, Lund
COMMONS Challenge
Macromolecular Crowding
Mikael Oliveberg & Felix Roosen-Runge
Panel Discussion
Biomimetics - what is needed for meaningful results?
Derbora Berti, Joachim Rädler, Mikael Oliveberg, Emma Sparr
When: Nov 6, 13.00-17.00
Where: KC:A (Chemistry dept, Lund)
Open postdoc positions
COMMONS has opened three postdoctoral positions in the COFUND AMBER program.
Project 1: Impact of Nanoparticle Binding on Lipid Redistribution and Membrane Deformation in Cellular Membranes
Contact: Martin Malmsten & Fredrik Höök
Project 2: Membrane-induced liquid-liquid phase separation
Contact: Emma Sparr
Project 3: Condensate-mediated amyloid nucleation
Contact: Sara Linse
Deadline: September 6
More infomration about the AMBER project
PhD course: Nanotools for biomembranes
Nov 7-13. A methodological PhD course on relevant nanotools to characterize lipid membranes. The course will cover AFM, ellipsometry, QCM-D, FRAP, and SAXS/SANS, including online lectures as individual preparation, and practical labs and tutorials during the presence week. Registration will open after summer. More information.
The course is co-organized by COMMONS, SWEDNESS, and Malmö University
Workshop: Proteins and Membrane Biophysics
2024-08-26: Workshop on proteins and membrane biophysics in the context of pharmaceutical sciences at Copenhagen University.
The talks and discussions will cover 3 themes:
1. Protein biophysics - disease and drug delivery
2. Lipids self-assembly - model membranes and drug delivery
3. Data analysis of complex datasets (related to proteins and lipids)
Welcome to Nicole Galencamp
The COMMONS center will make a number of strategic postdoc recruitments for triggering collaborative research activites within selected areas. We are very happy that Nicole Galencamp will start her COMMONS postdoctoral position mid May with main working place in Lund between physical chemistry and biochemistry. Her research will be focused on cooperativity in protein binding to biological membranes.
Visiting professor Sabrina Leslie
Sabrina Leslie (UBC Vancouver) is visiting mid May to mid June in both Lund and Gothenburg.
As part of the exchange, the LU PhD student Noemi Ferrante-Carrante spent 2 months (Nov & Dec 2024) in Vancouver in the Leslielab.
The Leslie Lab is working at the interface of physics and biology with a particular interest in quantifying single-molecule dynamics. Operating at the leading edge of the field, Dr. Sabrina Leslie and her team are pioneering high-resolution imaging techniques which support drug and vaccine discovery and development. Dr. Leslie’s research provides insights into the biophysical properties of molecules and cells with the ultimate goal of propelling quantitative health sciences forward.
The 1st Academic Forum Public Event
The 1st Academic Forum Public Event takes place on May 6
9.30-12: inspiration lectures on essayist writing in academia
Julia Ravanis (Glänta, Chalmers) on (popular science) writing
Khashayar Naderehvandi (Glänta) on (literary) writing
19.00 Evening lecture
David Dunér (LU): “Historical perspectives on the concept of life”
Thematically, this lecture coincides with Glänta’s upcoming journal issue on life, published in cooperation with COMMONS.
1st COMMONS Summerschool
We are happy to announce the 1st COMMONS summerschool Cryo-EM of Soft Materials. Topics covered include the components of the TEM and the SEM, the principles of image and picture formation in electron microscopy (EM), the physics of electron beam-specimen interaction, specimen preparation in cryo-EM, elemental analysis in cryo-EM, and a survey of a wide range applications. More information
Time and place: August 19-23, 2024 @ LINXS in Lund
Registration deadline: April 15, 2024
March 19: 1st COMMONS Challange
Two speakers present research that fall under one overall theme - providing two perspectives on a common underlying phenomenon. The aim is to create an interactive thinking and collaboration process focusing not only on specifics, but rather on the commonalities.
Theme: Cooperativity
Speakers: Sara Linse (LU) & Mikael Lund (LU)
Time: March 19 at 14.15-16.00
More information
Jan 2024: Kick-off meeting in Lund
COMMONS inaugurated! The quest for cohesion was symbolized by tying the strings together instead of cutting a ribbon. The strings represent different structures that can be formed by different molecules, reminding us of the diversity that enriches our research. The picture shows Emma Sparr together with the newly appointed Dean at the Science Faculty, Per Persson. more
July 2023: COMMONS Center funded
COMMONS is one of a total of 15 Centers of Excellence granted by Swedish universities, and the only one at Lund University.
The Center will be lead by Emma Sparr, Martin Malmsten, Sara Linse (CMPS, LU) and Fredrik Höök (Chalmers). The overarching aim is to establish a multifaceted scientific environment focused on unifying physicochemical processes of key importance for the function of cellular membranes and their interactions with other biomolecules.
For more information: