Research school
Research school activities
- Yearly “summerschools” (lecturers from the center, guest professors and invited experts)
- PhD Student Conferences allingning to COMMONS themes
- Being part o the COMMONS research environment (later slide)
- Network between PhD students in the COMMONS research fields at different university
Cryo-EM of Soft Materials
Dates: August 25-29, 2025 in Lund
This short intensive course focuses on cryogenic-temperature transmission electron microcopy (cryo-TEM) and cryogenic-temperature scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM) of soft matter, namely, liquid or semi-liquid material systems, biological or synthetic, in aqueous or in non-aqueous media.
Topics covered include the components of the TEM and the SEM, the principles of image and picture formation in electron microscopy (EM), the physics of electron beam-specimen interaction, specimen preparation in cryo-EM, elemental analysis in cryo-EM, and a survey of a wide range applications.
Five mornings will include 3 hours of lectures, each. Demonstrations of the microscopes and specimen preparation will be given in the afternoons. In two of the afternoons course participants will present their work, followed by discussions of the presentations and technical and scientific issues raised by the participants
PhD Course: Nanotools for Biomembranes
A methodological PhD course on relevant nanotools to characterize lipid membranes. The course will cover AFM, ellipsometry, QCM-D, FRAP, and SAXS/SANS, including online lectures as individual preparation, and practical labs and tutorials during the presence week. More information
Dates: November 7-13, 2024
Registration will open after summer.
The course is co-organized by COMMONS, SWEDNESS, and Malmö University
Workshop for PhD students & postdocs
Proteins and membrane biophysics in the context of pharmaceutical sciences
The workshop will take place at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen
Date: August 26, 2024
The program include talks by young scientists moderated by more senior scientists. The program is organized in 3 sessions covering 3 themes:
1. Protein biophysics - disease and drug delivery
2. Lipids self-assembly - model membranes and drug delivery
3. Data analysis of complex datasets (related to proteins and lipids)
more information
Director for the Research School: Anna Stradner
If you are interested in joining the research school
Discuss with you supervisor &then send an e-mail to Anna.
Write COMMONS in subject line.
Provide information on reserach topic (1 sentence), supervisor, university and starting year