COMMONS is a Center of Excellence funded by the Swedish Research Council, with the theme "Commonalities in biomembrane and biomolecular interactions”. The overarching aim of COMMONS is to provide a multifaceted scientific environment focusing on unifying physicochemical processes of key importance for the function of cellular membranes and biomolecules.
The COMMONS Center brings together methodological and theoretical expertise from Lund University, Chalmers and Copenhagen University, and will serve as host for a Graduate School and a Visiting Professor program to attract experts from a broad field of biomembrane and biomolecular sciences.

Upcoming COMMONS Challenges
Two speakers present research that fall under one overall theme; providing two perspectives on a common underlying phenomenon. The aim is to create an interactive thinking and collaboration process focusing not only on specifics, but rather on the commonalities.
More information
Follow-up on Structure & Dynamics of Lipid Nanoparticles
The Origin of Life
George Attard (LU) & Hanna Wacklin-Knecht (ESS, LU)

Jan 30: Minisymposium om Biomolecular Assemblies

Nov 4-6: Self-assembly in Life and Materials Science

The symposium will be jointly organised by COMMONS & the Surface and Materials Chemistry section of the Swedish Chemical Society, focused around fundamental self-assembly properties of biomembranes and biomolecules.
Where: Stadshallen, Lund
Visiting professor Sabrina Leslie
Sabrina Leslie (UBC Vancouver) is visiting mid May to mid June in both Lund and Gothenburg.
As part of the exchange, the LU PhD student Noemi Ferrante-Carrante spent 2 months (Nov & Dec 2024) in Vancouver in the Leslielab.
The Leslie Lab is working at the interface of physics and biology with a particular interest in quantifying single-molecule dynamics. Operating at the leading edge of the field, Dr. Sabrina Leslie and her team are pioneering high-resolution imaging techniques which support drug and vaccine discovery and development.