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COMMONS is a Center of Excellence funded by the Swedish Research Council, with the theme "Commonalities in biomembrane and biomolecular interactions”. The overarching aim of COMMONS is to provide a multifaceted scientific environment focusing on unifying physicochemical processes of key importance for the function of cellular membranes and biomolecules.

The COMMONS Center brings together methodological and theoretical expertise from Lund University, Chalmers and Copenhagen University, and will serve as host for a Graduate School and a Visiting Professor program to attract experts from a broad field of biomembrane and biomolecular sciences.



PhD course: Nanotools for biomembranes

Nov 7-13. A methodological PhD course on relevant nanotools to characterize lipid membranes. The course will cover AFM, ellipsometry, QCM-D, FRAP, and SAXS/SANS, including online lectures as individual preparation, and practical labs and tutorials during the presence week. Registration will open after summer. More information

The course is co-organized by COMMONS, SWEDNESS, and Malmö University

Workshop: Proteins and Membrane Biophysics

2024-08-26: Workshop on proteins and membrane biophysics in the context of pharmaceutical sciences at Copenhagen University.

The talks and discussions will cover 3 themes:
1. Protein biophysics - disease and drug delivery
2. Lipids self-assembly - model membranes and drug delivery
3. Data analysis of complex datasets (related to proteins and lipids)

more information

Welcome to Nicole Galencamp

The COMMONS center will make a number of strategic postdoc recruitments for triggering collaborative research activites within selected areas. We are very happy that Nicole Galencamp will start her COMMONS postdoctoral position mid May with main working place in Lund between physical chemistry and biochemistry. Her research will be focused on cooperativity in protein binding to biological membranes.

Visiting professor Sabrina Leslie

Sabrina Leslie (UBC Vancouver) is visiting mid May to mid June in both Lund and Gothenburg. 

The Leslie Lab is working at the interface of physics and biology with a particular interest in quantifying single-molecule dynamics. Operating at the leading edge of the field, Dr. Sabrina Leslie and her team are pioneering high-resolution imaging techniques which support drug and vaccine discovery and development. 

The 1st Academic Forum Public Event

The 1st Academic Forum Public Event takes place on May 6

9.30-12: inspiration lectures on essayist writing in academia
Julia Ravanis (Glänta, Chalmers) on (popular science) writing
Khashayar Naderehvandi (Glänta) on (literary) writing

19.00 Evening lecture
David Dunér (LU): “Historical perspectives on the concept of life”
Thematically, this lecture coincides with Glänta’s upcoming journal  issue on life, published in cooperation with COMMONS.

More information


COMMONS Challenge

Nov 6 at 13.00
Macromolecular crowding
Mikael Oliveberg & Felix Roosen-Runge
more information​​

PhD courses

Nov 7-13.
Nanotools for biomembranes
more information


Aug 26, 2024, Copenhagen
Workshop on proteins and membrane biophysics in the context of pharmaceutical sciences.
more information 

Nov 4-6, 2024, Lund
Self-assembly in life and materials sciences
more information

Nov 6, 2024, Lund
COMMONS- afternoon satellite meeting with IRL COMMONS Challanges



We started the academic forum with a day of lectures and workshop. During fall, there will be individual work for some of us writing an essay for the cultural magazine Glänta. There will also be more activities for all likely in wintermore information