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Dynamic and static light scattering (DLS and SLS) goniometer system

The laser light scattering goniometer system from the ALV Gmbh, Langen, Germany, is a measuring system for simultaneous angular dependent determination of DLS and SLS. The ALV/DLS/SLS-5022F, CGF-8F compact based, system includes CW Helium-Neon (He-Ne) gas laser (632.8 nm with a output of 22 mW), laser beam focusing optics including a laser beam attenuator and a Glan laser polarizer prism, a goniometer with a rotary table with the angular range of about 15° to 150°, a cell housing with an cylindrical quartz vat (filled with a refractive-index matching liquid, cis-decahydronaphtalene, decaline), a fiber optical near-monomodal detection system (with a possible depolarized light detection), a detection unit comprises of two matched avalanche photodiodes that is put in a pseudo-cross correlation arrangement. For the DLS measurements using photon correlation spectroscopy, an ALV-7004 multiple tau digital correlator with an initial real sampling time of 25 ns and 4 x 312 channels covering ≈12 decades in lag time is utilized to produce the time pseudo-cross correlation function of the scattered intensity. This make it possible to measure particle sizes from 1 nm up to about 5000 nm. The temperature range of the vat is –12 °C to +140 °C (if the refractive index matched liquid changed) and is controlled to ± 0.01 °C by a F32 Julabo heating circulator. In addition, also included in the overall set-up is a ALV/DR-1 differential refractometer with a He-Ne laser for determination of refractive index increments (dn/dc) necessary for the determination of molar masses by SLS experiments. The limited accuracy of the refractive index is ≤ 2 x 10-6 refractive index units.

Sponsored by the former Swedish Natural Science Research Council, NFR, and by Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse, KAW.






Contact person: Karin Schillén
Operationally responsible: Karin Schillén
Conditions for use: Training is compulsory for unassisted use of the instrument.
Booking: Contact Karin Schillén