Interactions and phase behavior of aqueous colloid – polymer mixtures and the influence of charges
We investigate the use of depletion interactions to tune the interaction potential between colloids and the resulting phase behavior and the microstructure of the states that form. We use a combination of a well-defined colloid with tunable charge density and an added water-soluble polymer. We synthesize appropriate model core shell colloids consisting of a polystyrene core and an added shell that provides electrosteric stabilization. Small-angle neutron scattering combined with contrast variation techniques is used to obtain detailed information about the particle structure and the interparticle interactions. We add water-soluble polymers to create a mixed potential that we tune through appropriate variations of the ionic strength and polymer concentration. We investigate the resulting plethora of equilibrium and non-equilibrium states as a function of the strength and range of the two dominating contributions to the mixed potential, the depletion induced attraction and the soft screened Coulomb repulsion. We compare the experimentally determined phase diagrams with theoretical predictions and characterize the resulting microstructures and their dynamics through a combination of spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering (SESANS), small-angle neutron (SANS) and x-ray (SAXS) scattering and diffusing wave spectroscopy over a large range of length and time scales.
People: Kitty van Gruijthuijsen (University of Fribourg, Switzerland), Wim Bouwman (University of Delft, The Netherlands), Marc Obiols-Rabasa, Fei Xie, Jan Forsman, Anna Stradner.
Contact person:Anna Stradner