Effect of electrostatic interactions on the casein-PEO phase diagram in the colloid limit
Here we explore the possibility to create solid-like (food) gels whose structural and mechanical properties can be varied and tailored over an extremely large range in a very controlled way through an arrested spinodal decomposition process. We exploit the use of a polymer-induced depletion interaction between food colloids such as casein micelles to tune the interparticle interaction strength and range and thus play with the interplay between spinodal decomposition and gel formation. We use aqueous mixtures of casein micelles and a low molecular weight poly(ethylene oxide) for a proof of concept and investigate the possibility to create gels with well-defined structural and mechanical properties. We investigate the phase diagram of casein–PEO mixtures and the resulting equilibrium and non-equilibrium structures using diffusing wave spectroscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy.
People: Najet Mahmoudi, Anna Stradner
Contact person:Anna Stradner