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Daniel Topgaard at Google Scholar

Original papers

(144) R. Qie, D. Topgaard, and E. Sparr. Effect of intermediate polarity molecule on phase transitions and bilayer structure in phospholipid membranes. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 686, 556-566 (2025).

(143) P. Menold, R. Strey, U. Olsson, Z. Takacs, D. Topgaard, and C. Stubenrauch. Transition from a sponge-like to a foam-like nanostructure in a water-rich L3 Phase: A confirmation. Colloids Surf. A 705, (2025).

(142) K. Ko, S. R. Bandara, W. Zhou, L. Svenningsson, M. Porras-Gomez, N. Kambar, J. Dreher-Threlkeld, D. Topgaard, D. Hernandez-Saavedra, S. Anakk, and C. Leal. Diet-induced obesity modulates close-packing of triacylglycerols in lipid droplets of adipose tissue. J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2024).

(141) E. Manninen, S. Bao, B. A. Landman, Y. Yang, D. Topgaard, and D. Benjamini. Variability of multidimensional diffusion-relaxation MRI estimates in the human brain. Imaging Neurosci. 2, 1-24 (2024).

(140) M. Yon, O. Narvaez, D. Topgaard, and A. Sierra. In vivo rat brain mapping of multiple gray matter water populations using nonparametric D(ω)-R1-R2 distributions MRI. NMR Biomed. 38, e5286 (2024).

(139) B. Perrone, M. Gunnarsson, D. Bernin, E. Sparr, and D. Topgaard. Cryogenic probe technology enables multidimensional solid-state NMR of the stratum corneum without isotope labeling. Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson. 134, 101972 (2024).

(138) O. Narvaez, M. Yon, H. Jiang, D. Bernin, E. Forssell-Aronsson, A. Sierra, and D. Topgaard. Nonparametric distributions of tensor-valued Lorentzian diffusion spectra for model-free data inversion in multidimensional diffusion MRI. J. Chem. Phys. 161, 084201 (2024).

(137) J. T. E. Johnson, M. O. Irfanoglu, E. Manninen, T. J. Ross, Y. Yang, F. B. Laun, J. Martin, D. Topgaard, and D. Benjamini. In vivo disentanglement of diffusion frequency‐dependence, tensor shape, and relaxation using multidimensional MRI. Hum. Brain Mapp. 45, e26697 (2024).

(136) W. Sun, D. Xu, H. Li, S. Li, Q. Bao, X. Song, D. Topgaard, and H. Xu. Quantifying H&E staining results, grading and predicting IDH mutation status of gliomas using hybrid multi-dimensional MRI. Magn. Reson. Mat. Phys. Biol. Med., (2024).

(135) D. Bernin, E. Leventaki, and D. Topgaard. Solid–liquid phase transitions of triglycerides in griebenschmalz, smalec, and fedt studied using 13C solid-state NMR with dynamics-based spectral filtering. Appl. Magn. Reson. 54, 1165-1175 (2023).

(134) M. Gunnarsson, S. Larsson, M. Malak, M. B. Ericson, D. Topgaard, and E. Sparr. Molecular mobility in keratin-rich materials monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance: A tool for the evaluation of structure-giving properties. Biomacromolecules 24, 2661-2673 (2023).

(133) H. Jiang, L. Svenningsson, and D. Topgaard. Multidimensional encoding of restricted and anisotropic diffusion by double rotation of the q vector. Magn. Reson. 4, 73-85 (2023).

(132) Q. D. Pham, B. Biatry, S. Gregoire, D. Topgaard, and E. Sparr. Solubility of foreign molecules in stratum corneum brick and mortar structure. Langmuir 39, 2347-2357 (2023).

(131) S. Fridolf, Q. D. Pham, J. Pallbo, K. Bernfur, S. Linse, D. Topgaard, and E. Sparr. Ganglioside GM3 stimulates lipid-protein co-assembly in α-synuclein amyloid formation. Biophys. Chem. 293, (2023).

(130) S. Fridolf, M. K. Hamid, L. Svenningsson, M. Skepö, E. Sparr, and D. Topgaard. Molecular dynamics simulations and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurements of C-H bond order parameters and effective correlation times in a POPC-GM3 bilayer. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 25588-25601 (2022).

(129) J. T. Rosenberg, S. C. Grant, and D. Topgaard. Nonparametric 5D D-R2 distribution imaging with single-shot EPI at 21.1 T: Initial results for in vivo rat brain. J. Magn. Reson. 341, 107256 (2022).

(128) A. Nowacka-Perrin, T. Steglich, D. Topgaard, and D. Bernin. In situ 13C solid-state polarization transfer NMR to follow starch transformations in food. Magn. Reson. Chem. 60, 671-677 (2022).

(127) O. Narvaez, L. Svenningsson, M. Yon, A. Sierra, and D. Topgaard. Massively multidimensional diffusion-relaxation correlation MRI. Front. Phys. 9, 793966 (2022).

(126) J. Martin, A. Reymbaut, M. Schmidt, A. Doerfler, M. Uder, F. B. Laun, and D. Topgaard. Nonparametric D-R1-R2 distribution MRI of the living human brain. Neuroimage 245, 118753 (2021).

(125) Q. D. Pham, S. Nöjd, M. Edman, K. Lindell, D. Topgaard, and M. Wahlgren. Mucoadhesion: mucin-polymer molecular interactions. Int. J. Pharm. 610, 121245 (2021).

(124) G. A. Ferreira, W. Loh, D. Topgaard, O. Söderman, and L. Piculell. Molecular assembly in block copolymer-surfactant nanoparticle dispersions: Information on molecular exchange and apparent solubility from high-resolution and PFG NMR. Polymers 13, 3265 (2021).

(123) M. Gunnarsson, E. H. Mojumdar, D. Topgaard, and E. Sparr. Extraction of natural moisturizing factor from the stratum corneum and its implication on skin molecular mobility. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 604, 480-491 (2021).

(122) Q. D. Pham, S. Gregoire, B. Biatry, G. Cassin, D. Topgaard, and E. Sparr. Skin hydration as a tool to control the distribution and molecular effects of intermediate polarity compounds in intact stratum corneum. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 603, 874-885 (2021).

(121) S. Li, Y. Zheng, W. Sun, S. Lasic, F. Szczepankiewicz, Q. Wei, S. Han, S. Zhang, X. Zhong, L. Wang, H. Li, Y. Cai, D. Xu, Z. Li, Q. He, D. van Westen, K. Bryskhe, D. Topgaard, and H. Xu. Glioma grading, molecular feature classification, and microstructural characterization using MR diffusional variance decomposition (DIVIDE) imaging. Eur. Radiol. 31, 8197-8207 (2021).

(120) I. Daimiel Naranjo, A. Reymbaut, P. Brynolfsson, R. Lo Gullo, K. Bryskhe, D. Topgaard, D. D. Giri, J. S. Reiner, S. Thakur, and K. Pinker-Domenig. Multidimensional diffusion magnetic resonance imaging for characterization of tissue microstructure in breast cancer patients: A prospective pilot study. Cancers 13, 1606 (2021).

(119) A. Reymbaut, J. Critchley, G. Durighel, T. Sprenger, M. Sughrue, K. Bryskhe, and D. Topgaard. Towards non-parametric diffusion-T1 characterization of crossing fibers in the human brain. Magn. Reson. Med. 85, 2815-2827 (2021).

(118) J. P. de Almeida Martins, C. M. W. Tax, A. Reymbaut, F. Szczepankiewicz, M. Chamberland, D. K. Jones, and D. Topgaard. Computing and visualising intra-voxel orientation-specific relaxation-diffusion features in the human brain. Hum. Brain Mapp. 42, 310-328 (2021).

(117) L. Alves, B. Medronho, A. Filipe, A. Romano, M. G. Rasteiro, B. Lindman, D. Topgaard, I. Davidovich, and Y. Talmon. Revisiting the dissolution of cellulose in H3PO4(aq) through cryo-TEM, PTssNMR and DWS. Carbohydr. Polym. 252, 117122 (2021).

(116) N. König, W. Lutz, G. Carlström, T. Zinn, K. D. Knudsen, F. Rise, D. Topgaard, and R. Lund. Spherical micelles with non-spherical cores: effect of chain packing on the micellar shape. Macromolecules 53, 10686-10698 (2020).

(115) K. W. Andersen, S. Lasič, H. Lundell, M. Nilsson, D. Topgaard, F. Sellebjerg, F. Szczepankiewicz, H. R. Siebner, M. Blinkenberg, and T. B. Dyrby. Disentangling white-matter damage from physiological fiber orientation dispersion in multiple sclerosis. Brain Commun. 2, fcaa077 (2020).

(114) M. Yon, J. P. de Almeida Martins, Q. Bao, M. D. Budde, L. Frydman, and D. Topgaard. Diffusion tensor distribution imaging of an in vivo mouse brain at ultra-high magnetic field by spatiotemporal encoding. NMR Biomed. 33, e4355 (2020).

(113) Q. D. Pham, G. Carlström, O. Lafon, E. Sparr, and D. Topgaard. Quantification of the amount of mobile components in intact stratum corneum with natural-abundance 13C solid-state NMR. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 6572-6583 (2020).

(112) J. P. de Almeida Martins, C. M. W. Tax, F. Szczepankiewicz, D. K. Jones, C.-F. Westin, and D. Topgaard. Transferring principles of solid-state and Laplace NMR to the field of in vivo brain MRI. Magn. Reson. 1, 27-43 (2020).

(111) A. Reymbaut, P. Mezzani, J. P. de Almeida Martins, and D. Topgaard. Accuracy and precision of statistical descriptors obtained from multidimensional diffusion signal inversion algorithms. NMR Biomed. 33, e4267 (2020).

(110) C. Galvagnion, D. Topgaard, K. Makasewicz, A. K. Buell, S. Linse, E. Sparr, and C. M. Dobson. Lipid dynamics and phase transition within α-synuclein amyloid fibrils. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 7872-7877 (2019).

(109) J. Algotsson, P. Jönsson, J. Forsman, D. Topgaard, and O. Söderman. Intermolecular interactions play a role in the distribution and transport of charged contrast agents in a cartilage model. PLOS One 14, e0215047 (2019).

(108) H. Lundell, M. Nilsson, T. B. Dyrby, G. J. M. Parker, P. L. H. Cristinacce, F. L. Zhou, D. Topgaard, and S. Lasič. Multidimensional diffusion MRI with spectrally modulated gradients reveals unprecedented microstructural detail. Sci. Rep. 9, 9026 (2019).

(107) D. Topgaard. Diffusion tensor distribution imaging. NMR Biomed. 32, e4066 (2019).

(106) L. Alves, B. Medronho, A. Filipe, F. E. Antunes, B. Lindman, D. Topgaard, I. Davidovich, and Y. Talmon. New insights on the role of urea on the dissolution and thermally-induced gelation of cellulose in aqueous alkali. Gels 4, 87 (2018).

(105) N. Moutal, M. Nilsson, D. Topgaard, and D. Grebenkov. The Kärger vs bi-exponential model: Theoretical insights and experimental validations. J. Magn. Reson. 296, 72-78 (2018).

(104) D. Steer, S. S. W. Leung, H. Meiselman, D. Topgaard, and C. Leal. Structure of lung-mimetic multilamellar bodies with lipid compositions relevant in pneumonia. Langmuir 34, 7561-7574 (2018).

(103) Q. D. Pham, E. H. Mojumdar, G. S. Gooris, J. A. Bouwstra, E. Sparr, and D. Topgaard. Solid and fluid segments within the same molecule of stratum corneum ceramide lipid. Q. Rev. Biophys. 51, e7 (2018).

(102) J. P. de Almeida Martins and D. Topgaard. Multidimensional correlation of nuclear relaxation rates and diffusion tensors for model-free investigations of heterogeneous anisotropic porous materials. Sci. Rep. 8, 2488 (2018).

(101) M. Kang, M. Tujela, A. Centrone, D. Topgaard, and C. Leal. Nanostructured lipid-based films for substrate mediated applications in biotechnology. Adv. Funct. Mater 28, 1704356 (2018).

(100) S. Lasič, H. Lundell, D. Topgaard, and T. B. Dyrby. Effects of imaging gradients in sequences with varying longitudinal storage time – case of diffusion exchange imaging. Magn. Reson. Med. 79, 2228-2235 (2018).

(99) M. Nilsson, J. Larsson, D. Lundberg, F. Szczepankiewicz, T. Witzel, C.-F. Westin, K. Bryskhe, and D. Topgaard. Liquid crystal phantom for validation of microscopic diffusion anisotropy measurements on clinical MRI systems. Magn. Reson. Med. 79, 1817-1828 (2018).

(98) E. H. Mojumdar, Q. D. Pham, D. Topgaard, and E. Sparr. Skin hydration: interplay between molecular dynamics, structure and water uptake in the stratum corneum. Sci. Rep. 7, 15712 (2017).

(97) M. Palmgren, M. Hernebring, S. Eriksson, K. Elbing, C. Geijer, S. Lasič, P. Dahl, J. S. Hansen, D. Topgaard, and K. Lindkvist-Petersson. Quantification of the intracellular life time of water molecules to measure transport rates of human aquaglyceroporins. J. Membr. Biol. 250, 629-639 (2017).

(96) S. Eriksson, K. Elbing, O. Söderman, K. Lindkvist-Petersson, D. Topgaard, and S. Lasič. NMR quantification of diffusional exchange in cell suspensions with relaxation rate differences between intra and extracellular compartments. PLOS ONE 12, e0177273 (2017).

(95) M. Nilsson, S. Lasič, I. Drobnjak, D. Topgaard, and C.-F. Westin. Resolution limit of cylinder diameter estimation by diffusion MRI: The impact of gradient waveform and orientation dispersion. NMR Biomed. e3711, (2017).

(94) Q. D. Pham, D. Topgaard, and E. Sparr. Tracking solvents in the skin through atomically resolved measurements of molecular mobility in intact stratum corneum. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 114, E112-E121 (2017).

(93) V. Jagalski, R. Barker, D. Topgaard, T. G. Pomorski, B. Hamberger, and M. Cárdenas. Biophysical study of resin acid effects on phospholipid membrane structure and properties. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Biomembr. 1858, 2827-2838 (2016).

(92) T. M. Ferreira, R. Sood, R. Bärenwald, G. Carlström, D. Topgaard, K. Saalwächter, P. K. J. Kinnunen, and O. H. S. Ollila. Acyl chain disorder and azelaoyl orientation in lipid membranes containing oxidized lipids. Langmuir 32, 6524-6533 (2016).

(91) L. Alves, B. Medronho, F. E. Antunes, D. Topgaard, and B. Lindman. Dissolution state of cellulose in aqueous systems. 2. Acidic solvents. Carbohydr. Polym. 105, 707-715 (2016).

(90) K. Smith, A. Burbidge, D. Apperley, P. Hodgkinson, F. A. Markwell, D. Topgaard, and E. Hughes. Stray-field NMR diffusion q-space diffraction imaging of monodisperse coarsening foams. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 476, 20-28 (2016).

(89) Q. D. Pham, S. Björklund, J. Engblom, D. Topgaard, and E. Sparr. Chemical penetration enhancers in stratum corneum - Relation between molecular effects and barrier function. J. Controlled Release 232, 175-187 (2016).

(88) K. Ishikawa, M. Behrens, S. Eriksson, D. Topgaard, U. Olsson, and H. Wennerström. Microemulsions of record low amphiphile concentrations are affected by the ambient gravitational field. J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 6074–6079 (2016).

(87) D. Topgaard. Director orientations in lyotropic liquid crystals: Diffusion MRI mapping of the Saupe order tensor. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 8545-8553 (2016).

(86) C.-F. Westin, H. Knutsson, O. Pasternak, F. Szczepankiewicz, E. Özarslan, D. van Westen, C. Mattisson, M. Bogren, L. O'Donnell, M. Kubicki, D. Topgaard, and M. Nilsson. Q-space trajectory imaging for multidimensional diffusion MRI of the human brain. Neuroimage 135, 345-362 (2016).

(85) A. Ahlgren, L. Knutsson, R. Wirestam, M. Nilsson, F. Ståhlberg, D. Topgaard, and S. Lasič. Quantification of microcirculatory parameters by joint analysis of flow-compensated and non-flow-compensated intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) data. NMR Biomed. 29, 640-649 (2016).

(84) S. Lasič, S. Oredsson, S. C. Partridge, L. H. Saal, D. Topgaard, M. Nilsson, and K. Bryskhe. Apparent exchange rate (AXR) for breast cancer characterization. NMR Biomed. 29, 631-639 (2016).

(83) R. Lin, G. Carlström, Q. D. Pham, M. Anderson, D. Topgaard, K. Edler, and V. Alfredsson. Kinetic influence of siliceous reactions on structure formation of mesoporous silica formed via the co-structure directing agent route. J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 3814-3821 (2016).

(82) J. P. de Almeida Martins and D. Topgaard. Two-dimensional correlation of isotropic and directional diffusion using NMR. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 087601 (2016).

(81) L. Alves, B. Medronho, F. E. Antunes, D. Topgaard, and B. Lindman. Dissolution state of cellulose in aqueous systems. 1. Alkaline solvents. Cellulose 23, 247-258 (2016).

(80) J. Algotsson, J. Forsman, D. Topgaard, and O. Söderman. Electrostatic interactions are important for the distribution of Gd(DTPA)2- in articular cartilage. Magn. Reson. Med. 76, 500-509 (2016).

(79) J. Sjölund, F. Szczepankiewicz, M. Nilsson, D. Topgaard, C.-F. Westin, and H. Knutsson. Constrained optimization of gradient waveforms for generalized diffusion encoding. J. Magn. Reson. 261, 157-168 (2015).

(78) Q. D. Pham, D. Topgaard, and E. Sparr. Cyclic and linear monoterpenes in phospholipid membranes: Phase behavior, bilayer structure, and molecular dynamics. Langmuir 31, 11067-11077 (2015).

(77) T. Steglich, D. Bernin, A. Moldin, D. Topgaard, and M. Langton. Bran particle size influence on pasta microstructure, water distribution and sensory properties. Cereal Chem. 92, 617-623 (2015).

(76) S. Eriksson, S. Lasič, M. Nilsson, C.-F. Westin, and D. Topgaard. NMR diffusion encoding with axial symmetry and variable anisotropy: Distinguishing between prolate and oblate microscopic diffusion tensors with unknown orientation distribution. J. Chem. Phys. 142, 104201 (2015).

(75) T. M. Ferreira, O. H. S. Ollila, R. Pigliapochi, A. P. Dabkowska, and D. Topgaard. Model-free estimation of the effective correlation time for C-H bond reorientation in amphiphilic bilayers: 1H-13C solid-state NMR and MD simulations. J. Chem. Phys. 142, 044905 (2015).

(74) F. Szczepankiewicz, S. Lasič, D. van Westen, P. C. Sundgren, E. Englund, C.-F. Westin, F. Ståhlberg, J. Lätt, D. Topgaard, and M. Nilsson. Quantification of microscopic diffusion anisotropy disentangles effects of orientation dispersion from microstructure: Applications in healthy volunteers and in brain tumors. Neuroimage 104, 241-252 (2015).

(73) D. Topgaard. Isotropic diffusion weighting using a triple-stimulated echo pulse sequence with bipolar gradient pulse pairs. Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 205, 48-51 (2015).

(72) D. Bernin, T. Steglich, M. Röding, A. Moldin, D. Topgaard, and M. Langton. Multi-scale characterization of pasta during cooking using microscopy and real-time magnetic resonance imaging. Food Res. Int. 66, 132-139 (2014).

(71) S. Gustavsson, L. Alves, B. Lindman, and D. Topgaard. Polarization transfer solid-state NMR: a new method for studying cellulose dissolution. RSC Adv. 4, 31836-31839 (2014).

(70) P. Knöös, M. Wahlgren, D. Topgaard, S. Ulvenlund, and L. Piculell. Effects of added surfactant on swelling and molecular transport in drug-loaded tablets based on hydrophobically modified poly(acrylic acid). J. Phys. Chem. B 118, 9757-9767 (2014).

(69) D. Bernin, V. Koch, M. Nydén, and D. Topgaard. Multi-scale characterization of lyotropic liquid crystals using 2H and diffusion MRI with spatial resolution in three dimensions. PLOS ONE 9, e98752 (2014).

(68) T. Steglich, D. Bernin, M. Röding, M. Nydén, A. Moldin, D. Topgaard, and M. Langton. Microstructure and water distribution of commercial pasta studied by microscopy and 3D magnetic resonance imaging. Food Res. Int. 62, 644-652 (2014).

(67) S. Björklund, J. M. Andersson, A. E. Nowacka, Q. D. Pham, D. Topgaard, and E. Sparr. Stratum corneum molecular mobility in the presence of natural moisturizers. Soft Matter 10, 4535-4546 (2014). See Chemistry World comment here.

(66) S. Lasič, F. Szczepankiewicz, S. Eriksson, M. Nilsson, and D. Topgaard. Microanisotropy imaging: quantification of microscopic diffusion anisotropy and orientational order parameter by diffusion MRI with magic-angle spinning of the q-vector. Front. Physics 2, 11 (2014).

(65) Y. Agzenai, B. Lindman, V. Alfredsson, D. Topgaard, C. S. Renamayor, and I. E. Pacios. In situ X-ray polymerization: From swollen lamellae to polymer-surfactant complexes. J. Phys. Chem. B 118, 1159-1167 (2014).

(64) T. M. Ferreira, D. Topgaard, and O. H. S. Ollila. Molecular conformation and bilayer pores in a nonionic surfactant lamellar phase studied with 1H–13C solid-state NMR and molecular dynamics simulations. Langmuir 30, 461-469 (2014).

(63) P. Knöös, D. Topgaard, M. Wahlgren, S. Ulvenlund, and L. Piculell. Using NMR chemical shift imaging to monitor swelling and molecular transport in drug-loaded tablets of hydrophobically modified poly (acrylic acid): Methodology and effects of polymer (in)solubility. Langmuir 29, 13898-13908 (2013).

(62) E. Hellstrand, A. Nowacka, D. Topgaard, S. Linse, and E. Sparr. Membrane lipid co-aggregation with α-synuclein fibrils. PLOS ONE 8, e77235 (2013).

(61) S. Björklund, T. Ruzgas, A. Nowacka, I. Dahi, D. Topgaard, E. Sparr, and J. Engblom. Skin membrane electrical impedance properties under the influence of a varying water gradient. Biophys. J. 104, 2639-2650 (2013).

(60) D. Topgaard. Isotropic diffusion weighting in PGSE NMR: Numerical optimization of the q-MAS PGSE sequence. Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 178, 60-63 (2013).

(59) M. Nilsson, J. Lätt, D. van Westen, S. Brockstedt, S. Lasic, F. Ståhlberg, and D. Topgaard. Noninvasive mapping of water diffusional exchange in the human brain using filter-exchange imaging. Magn. Reson. Med. 69, 1573-1581 (2013).

(58) A. Nowacka, N. A. Bongartz, O. H. S. Ollila, T. Nylander, and D. Topgaard. Signal intensities in 1H-13C CP and INEPT MAS NMR of liquid crystals. J. Magn. Reson. 230, 165-175 (2013).

(57) S. Björklund, A. Nowacka, J. A. Bouwstra, E. Sparr, and D. Topgaard. Characterization of stratum corneum molecular dynamics by natural-abundance 13C solid-state NMR. PLOS ONE 8, e61889 (2013).

(56) S. Eriksson, S. Lasic, and D. Topgaard. Isotropic diffusion weighting by magic-angle spinning of the q-vector in PGSE NMR. J. Magn. Reson. 226, 13-18 (2013).

(55) T. M. Ferreira, F. Coreta-Gomes, O. H. S. Ollila, M. J. Moreno, W. L. C. Vaz, and D. Topgaard. Cholesterol and POPC segmental order parameters in lipid membranes: Solid state 1H-13C NMR and MD simulation studies. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 1976-1989 (2013).

(54) M. Röding, D. Bernin, J. Jonasson, A. Särkkä, D. Topgaard, M. Rudemo, and M. Nydén. The gamma distribution model for pulsed-field gradient NMR studies of molecular-weight distributions of polymers. J. Magn. Reson. 222, 105-111 (2012).

(53) M. Tang, A. Redler, D. Topgaard, C. Schmidt, and H.-S. Kitzerow. Kinetics of the grating formation in holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals: NMR measurement of diffusion coefficients. Colloid Polym. Sci. 290, 751-755 (2012).

(52) V. K. Thorsmølle, D. Topgaard, J. C. Brauer, S. M. Zakeeruddin, B. Lindman, M. Grätzel, and J.-E. Moser. Conduction through viscoelastic phase in a redox-active ionic liquid at reduced temperatures. Adv. Mater. 24, 781-784 (2012).

(51) G. W. Greene, B. Zappone, X. Banquy, D. W. Lee, O. Söderman, D. Topgaard, and J. N. Israelachvili. Hyaluronic acid - collagen network interactions during the dynamic compression and recovery of cartilage. Soft Matter 8, 9906-9914 (2012).

(50) A. Nowacka, S. Douezan, L. Wadsö, D. Topgaard, and E. Sparr. Small polar molecules like glycerol and urea can preserve the fluidity of lipid bilayers under dry conditions. Soft Matter 8, 1482-1491 (2012).

(49) S. Lasic, M. Nilsson, J. Lätt, F. Ståhlberg, and D. Topgaard. Apparent exchange rate (AXR) mapping with diffusion MRI. Magn. Reson. Med. 66, 356-365 (2011).

(48) I. Åslund, B. Medronho, D. Topgaard, O. Söderman, and C. Schmidt. Homogeneous length scale of shear-induced multilamellar vesicles. J. Magn. Reson. 209, 291-299 (2011).

(47) V. K. Thorsmølle, G. Rothenberger, D. Topgaard, J. C. Brauer, D.-B. Kuang, S. M. Zakeeruddin, B. Lindman, M. Grätzel, and J.-E. Moser. Extraordinarily efficient conduction in a redox-active ionic liquid. Chem. Phys. Chem. 12, 145-149 (2011).

(46) S. Lasic, I. Åslund, C. Oppel, D. Topgaard, O. Söderman, and M. Gradzielski. Investigations of vesicle gels by pulsed and modulated gradient NMR diffusion techniques. Soft Matter 7, 3947-3955 (2011).

(45) A. Nowacka, P. C. Mohr, J. Norrman, R. W. Martin, and D. Topgaard. Polarization transfer solid-state NMR for studying surfactant phase behavior. Langmuir 26, 16848-16856 (2010).

(44) H. Kirsebom, D. Topgaard, I. Galaev, and B. Mattiasson. Modulating the porosity of cryogels by influencing the non-frozen liquid phase through the addition of inert solutes. Langmuir 26, 16129–16133 (2010).

(43) G. W. Greene, B. Zappone, O. Söderman, D. Topgaard, G. Rata, H. Zeng, and J. N. Israelachvili. Anisotropic dynamic changes in the pore network structure, fluid diffusion and fluid flow in articular cartilage under compression. Biomaterials 31, 3117-3128 (2010).

(42) S. Bulut, I. Åslund, D. Topgaard, H. Wennerström, and U. Olsson. Lamellar phase separation in a centrifugal field. A method for measuring interbilayer forces. Soft Matter 6, 4520-4527 (2010).

(41) I. Åslund and D. Topgaard. Determination of the self-diffusion coefficient of intracellular water using PGSE NMR with variable gradient pulse length. J. Magn. Reson. 201, 250-254 (2009).

(40) I. Åslund, A. Nowacka, M. Nilsson, and D. Topgaard. Filter-exchange PGSE NMR determination of cell membrane permeability. J. Magn. Reson. 200, 291-295 (2009).

(39) S. Lasic, I. Åslund, and D. Topgaard. Spectral characterization of diffusion with chemical shift resolution: Highly concentrated water-in-oil emulsion. J. Magn. Reson. 199, 166-172 (2009).

(38) H. Kirsebom, G. Rata, D. Topgaard, B. Mattiasson, and I. Y. Galaev. Mechanism of cryopolymerization: diffusion-controlled polymerization in a nonfrozen microphase. An NMR study. Macromolecules 42, 5208-5214 (2009).

(37) G. W. Greene, B. Zappone, B. Zhao, O. Söderman, D. Topgaard, D. G. Rata, and J. N. Israelachvili. Changes in pore morphology and fluid transport in compressed articular cartilage and the implications for joint lubrication. Biomaterials 29, 4455-4462 (2008).

(36) C. Leal, S. Rögnvaldsson, S. Fossheim, E. Nilssen, and D. Topgaard. Dynamic and structural aspects of PEGylated liposomes monitored by NMR. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 325, 485-493 (2008).

(35) H. Kirsebom, G. Rata, D. Topgaard, B. Mattiasson, and I. Y. Galaev. In situ 1H NMR studies of free radical cryopolymerization. Polymer 49, 3855-3858 (2008).

(34) C. Stubenrauch, R. Tessendorf, A. Salvati, D. Topgaard, T. Sottmann, R. Strey, and I. Lynch. Gelled polymerizable microemulsions. 2. Microstructure. Langmuir 24, 8473-8482 (2008).

(33) P. Saveyn, E. Cocquyt, D. Sinnaeve, J. Martins, D. Topgaard, and P. Van Der Meeren. NMR study of the sorption behavior of benzyl alcohol derivatives into sonicated and extruded dioctadecyldimethylammonium chloride (DODAC) dispersions: the relevance of membrane fluidity. Langmuir 24, 3082-3089 (2008).

(32) I. Åslund, C. Cabaleiro-Lago, O. Söderman, and D. Topgaard. Diffusion NMR for determining the homogeneous length scale in lamellar phases. J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 2782-2794 (2008).

(31) T. M. Ferreira, B. Medronho, R. W. Martin, and D. Topgaard. Segmental order parameters in a nonionic surfactant lamellar phase studied with 1H-13C solid-state NMR. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 10, 6033-6038 (2008).

(30) C. Leal, D. Sandström, P. Nevsten, and D. Topgaard. Local and translational dynamics in DNA-lipid assemblies monitored by solid-state and diffusion NMR. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Biomembr. 1778, 214-228 (2008).

(29) M. Nilsson, B. Håkansson, O. Söderman, and D. Topgaard. Influence of polydispersity on the micellization of triblock copolymers investigated by pulsed field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance. Macromolecules 40, 8250-8258 (2007).

(28) J. Lätt, M. Nilsson, C. Malmborg, H. Rosquist, R. Wirestam, F. Ståhlberg, D. Topgaard, and S. Brockstedt. Accuracy of q-space related parameters in MRI: Simulations and phantom measurements. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging 26, 1437-1447 (2007).

(27) C. L. Silva, D. Topgaard, V. Kocherbitov, J. J. S. Sousa, A. A. C. Pais, and E. Sparr. Stratum corneum hydration: phase transformations and mobility in stratum corneum, extracted lipids and isolated corneocytes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Biomembr. 1768, 2647-2659 (2007).

(26) A. Salvati, I. Lynch, C. Malmborg, and D. Topgaard. Chemical shift imaging of molecular transport in colloidal systems: Visualization and quantification of diffusion processes. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 308, 542-550 (2007).

(25) D. Topgaard and D. Sakellariou. Diffusion damping during adiabatic z-rotation pulses for NMR spectroscopy in inhomogeneous magnetic fields. J. Chem. Phys. 125, 044503 (2006).

(24) C. Malmborg, M. Sjöbeck, S. Brockstedt, E. Englund, O. Söderman, and D. Topgaard. Mapping the intracellular fraction of water by varying the gradient pulse length in q-space diffusion MRI. J. Magn. Reson. 180, 280-285 (2006).

(23) D. Topgaard, D. Sakellariou, and A. Pines. NMR spectroscopy in inhomogeneous B0 and B1 fields with non-linear correlation. J. Magn. Reson. 175, 1-10 (2005).

(22) D. Topgaard, R. W. Martin, D. Sakellariou, C. A. Meriles, and A. Pines. "Shim pulses" for NMR spectroscopy and imaging. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101, 17576-17581 (2004).

(21) J. D. C. Francisco, D. Topgaard, B. Sivik, and B. Bergenståhl. Phase behavior of the monoolein-water system. The effects of addition of the hydrocarbon 1,8-cineole and supercritical carbon dioxide. J. Supercrit. Fluids 31, 263-271 (2004).

(20) J. D. C. Francisco, D. Topgaard, B. Sivik, and B. Bergenståhl. Phase behavior of the system lecithin-water. The effects of addition of the hydrocarbon 1,8-cineole and supercritical carbon dioxide. J. Supercrit. Fluids 31, 255-262 (2004).

(19) C. Leal, D. Topgaard, R. W. Martin, and H. Wennerström. NMR studies of molecular mobility in a DNA-amphiphile complex. J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 15392-15397 (2004).

(18) K. Bryskhe, J. Jansson, D. Topgaard, K. Schillén, and U. Olsson. Spontaneous vesicle formation in a block copolymer system. J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 9710-9719 (2004).

(17) C. Malmborg, D. Topgaard, and O. Söderman. NMR diffusometry and the short gradient pulse approximation. J. Magn. Reson. 169, 85-91 (2004).

(16) G. Liger-Belair, D. Topgaard, C. Voisin, and P. Jeandet. Is the wall of a cellulose fiber saturated with liquid whether or not permeable with CO2 dissolved molecules? Application to bubble nucleation in champagne wines. Langmuir 20, 4132-4138 (2004).

(15) D. Topgaard and A. Pines. Self-diffusion measurements with chemical shift resolution in inhomogeneous magnetic fields. J. Magn. Reson. 168, 31-35 (2004).

(14) E. Pettersson, D. Topgaard, P. Stilbs, and O. Söderman. Surfactant/non-ionic polymer interactions. A NMR diffusometry and NMR electrophoretic investigation. Langmuir 20, 1138-1143 (2004).

(13) A. Svensson, D. Topgaard, L. Piculell, and O. Söderman. Molecular self-diffusion in micellar and discrete cubic phases of an ionic surfactant with mixed monovalent/polymeric counterions. J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 13241-13250 (2003).

(12) A. Stenstam, D. Topgaard, and H. Wennerström. Aggregation phenomena in a protein-surfactant system. The interplay between hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 7987-7992 (2003).

(11) C. Malmborg, D. Topgaard, and O. Söderman. Diffusion in an inhomogeneous system: NMR studies of diffusion in highly concentrated emulsions. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 263, 270-276 (2003).

(10) J. D. C. Francisco, C. Turner, D. Topgaard, B. Sivik, and B. Bergenståhl. Liquid crystalline properties and extractability of monoolein-water systems by supercritical carbon dioxide. Colloids Surf., A 213, 69-78 (2003).

(9) D. Topgaard and O. Söderman. Experimental determination of pore size and shape using q-space NMR microscopy in the long diffusion-time limit. Magn. Reson. Imaging 21, 69-76 (2003).

(8) D. Topgaard and O. Söderman. Self-diffusion of nonfreezing water in porous carbohydrate polymer systems studied with NMR. Biophys. J. 83, 3596-3606 (2002).

(7) D. Topgaard and O. Söderman. Self-diffusion in two- and three-dimensional powders of anisotropic domains: An NMR study of the diffusion of water in cellulose and starch. J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 11887-11892 (2002).

(6) P. Gavelin, P. Jannasch, I. Furó, P. Stilbs, D. Topgaard, and O. Söderman. Amphiphilic polymer gel electrolytes. 4. Ion transport and dynamics as studied by multinuclear pulsed field gradient spin-echo NMR. Macromolecules 35, 5097-5104 (2002).

(5) D. Topgaard, C. Malmborg, and O. Söderman. Restricted self-diffusion of water in a highly concentrated W/O emulsion studied using modulated gradient spin-echo NMR. J. Magn. Reson. 156, 195-201 (2002).

(4) D. Topgaard and O. Söderman. Changes of cellulose fiber wall structure during drying investigated using NMR self-diffusion and relaxation experiments. Cellulose 9, 139-147 (2002).

(3) D. Topgaard and O. Söderman. A NMR self-diffusion study of the porous structure of starch granules. Prog. Colloid Polymer Sci. 120, 47-51 (2002).

(2) F. Mariette, D. Topgaard, B. Jönsson, and O. Söderman. 1H NMR diffusometry study of water in casein dispersions and gels. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50, 4295-4302 (2002).

(1) D. Topgaard and O. Söderman. Diffusion of water absorbed in cellulose fibers studied with 1H-NMR. Langmuir 17, 2694-2702 (2001).



(13) E. Sparr, S. Björklund, Q. D. Pham, E. H. Mojumdar, B. Stenqvist, M. Gunnarsson, and D. Topgaard. The stratum corneum barrier - from molecular scale to macroscopic properties. Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 67, 101725 (2023).

(12) D. Topgaard. Skin, soap, and spaghetti: investigations of co-existing solid and liquid phases in organic materials using solid-state NMR with dynamics-based spectral editing. Pure Appl. Chem. 95, 1075-1089 (2023).

(11) A. Reymbaut, Y. Zheng, S. Li, W. Sun, H. Xu, I. Daimiel Naranjo, S. Thakur, K. Pinker-Domenig, S. Rajan, V. K. Vanugopal, V. Mahajan, H. Mahajan, J. Critchley, G. Durighel, M. Sughrue, K. Bryskhe, and D. Topgaard. Clinical research with advanced diffusion encoding methods in MRI. Advanced Diffusion Encoding Methods in MRI, 406-429 (2020), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.

(10) D. Topgaard. Translational motion of water in biological tissues – a brief primer. Advanced Diffusion Encoding Methods in MRI, 1-11 (2020), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.

(9) D. Topgaard. Multiple dimensions for random walks. J. Magn. Reson. 306, 150-154 (2019).

(8) D. Topgaard. Multidimensional diffusion MRI. J. Magn. Reson. 275, 98-113 (2017).

(7) D. Topgaard. NMR methods for studying microscopic diffusion anisotropy. Diffusion NMR of Confined Systems: Fluid Transport in Porous Solids and Heterogeneous Materials, 226-259 (2016), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.

(6) D. Topgaard. Diffusion MRI and poroelastic biomechanics of articular cartilage. Biophysics and Biochemistry of Cartilage by NMR and MRI, 375-394 (2016), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.

(5) N. Shemesh, S. N. Jespersen, D. C. Alexander, Y. Cohen, I. Drobnjak, T. B. Dyrby, J. Finsterbusch, M. A. Koch, T. Kuder, F. Laun, M. Lawrenz, H. Lundell, P. P. Mitra, M. Nilsson, E. Özarslan, D. Topgaard, and C.-F. Westin. Conventions and nomenclature for double diffusion encoding (DDE) NMR and MRI. Magn. Reson. Med. 75, 82-87 (2016).

(4) D. Bernin and D. Topgaard. NMR diffusion and relaxation correlation methods: New insights in heterogeneous materials. Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 18, 166-172 (2013).

(3) T. M. Ferreira, D. Bernin, and D. Topgaard. NMR studies of nonionic surfactants. Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc. 79, 73-127 (2013).

(2) H. Walderhaug, O. Söderman, and D. Topgaard. Self-diffusion in polymer systems studied by magnetic field-gradient spin-echo NMR methods. Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc. 56, 406-425 (2010).

(1) D. Topgaard. Probing biological tissue microstructure with magnetic resonance diffusion techniques. Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 11, 7-12 (2006).



(1) D. Topgaard ed. Advanced Diffusion Encoding Methods in MRI, (2020), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.


(2) D. Topgaard, D. Bernin, and E. Leventaki. Spot på faseovergange i grevefedt med fast-stof NMR. Dansk Kemi 104, 6, 28-29 (2023).

(1) D. Topgaard. Multidimensional diffusion MRI: a new tool for studying brain microstructure and the effects of learning. Microstructures of Learning, 29-31 (2014).