2017 - 2018: Director, Lund Institute of advanced Neutron and X-ray Science, LINXS, Lund University
2010 - : Professor, Physical Chemistry, Lund University, Sweden
2008 - 2010: Founding Director of the Adolphe Merkle Institute for Pure and Applied Nanoscience
2008 - 2010: Full Professor in Experimental Physics and Nanoscience, University of Fribourg
2006 - 2007: Founding Director Fribourg Center for Nanomaterials
2001 - 2003: President of the Department of Physics, University of Fribourg
2000 - : Co-founder, CEO (2000–2008) and board member of LS Instruments Inc.
1999 - 2008: Full Professor in Experimental Physics, University of Fribourg
1997 - 1999: Titularprofessor (Honorary Professor), Polymer Institute, ETH Zürich
1996: Guest Professor, Institut für Physikalische Chemie, University of Graz, Austria
1992 - 1997: Wissenschaftlicher Adjunkt (Tenured Senior Researcher) and Privatdozent (Lecturer), Polymer Institute, ETH Zürich
1987 - 1992: Oberassistent (Senior Researcher), Polymer Institute, ETH Zürich
1986 - 1987: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Physics, MIT, and Research Fellow in Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harward University Medical School
1985 - 1986: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Physics, MIT
1984 - 1985: Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, ETH Zürich
1984: Postdoctoral Researcher, Physical Chemistry 1, Lund University
1980 - 1984: Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, ETH Zürich
Selected recent publications
Anisotropic Dynamics of Dense Colloidal Ellipsoids in the Presence of an External Field Studied by Differential Dynamic Microscopy
Antara Pal, Vincent A. Martinez, Thiago H. Ito, Jochen Arlt, Jérôme J. Crassous, Wilson C. K. Poon, Peter Schurtenberger, Science Advances 6, eaaw9733 (2020)
Responsive Hydrogel Colloids: Structure, Interactions, Phase Behaviour and Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Transitions of Microgel Dispersions. Brijitta Joseph Boniface and Peter SchurtenbergerCurr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 40, 87-103 (2019)
Soft particles in an electric field – a zero average contrast study, Sofi Nöjd, Christopher Hirst, Marc Obiols-Rabasa, Julien Schmitt, Aurel Radulescu, Priti S. Mohanty and Peter Schurtenberger, Soft Matter 15, 6369 (2019)
Thermoresponsive colloidal molecules prepared using droplet-based microfluidics, Feifei Peng, Stefan Holm, Linda Månsson, Somnath Ghosh, Jérôme Crassous, Peter Schurtenberger and Jonas Tegenfeldt J. Phys. Chem. B 123, 9260−9271 (2019)
A colloid approach to self-assembling antibodies, Nicholas Skar-Gislinge, Michela Ronti, Tommy Garting, Christian Rischel, Peter Schurtenberger, Emanuela Zaccarelli, and Anna Stradner, Mol. Pharmaceutics 16, 2394 – 2404 (2019)
Thermoresponsive Binary Particle Gels with Tunable Structural and Mechanical Properties, Jasper N. Immink, Erik Maris, Jérôme J. Crassous, Joakim Stenhammar, and Peter Schurtenberger, ACS Nano, 13, 3292−3300 (2019)
Anomalous Dynamics of Magnetic Anisotropic Colloids Studied by XPCS, Antara Pal, Thomas Zinn, Mohammad Arif Kamal, Theyencheri Narayanan, and Peter Schurtenberger, Small, 14, 1802233 (2018)
A new look at effective interactions between microgel particles, Maxime Bergman, Nicoletta Gnan, Marc Obiols-Rabasa, Janne-Mieke Meijer, Lorenzo Rovigatti, Emanuela Zaccarelli, and Peter Schurtenberger, Nature Comm. 9, 5039 (2018)
Deswelling behaviour of ionic microgel particles from low to ultra-high densities, Sofi Nöjd, Peter Holmqvist, Niels Boon, Marc Obiols-Rabas Priti S. Mohanty, Ralf Schweins, and Peter Schurtenberger, Soft Matter 14, 4150 (2018)
Interpenetration of polymeric microgels at ultrahigh densities, Priti S. Mohanty, Sofi Nöjd, Kitty van Gruijthuijsen, Jérôme J. Crassous, Marc Obiols-Rabasa, Ralf Schweins, Anna Stradner, and Peter Schurtenberger, Scientific Reports 7, 1487 (2017)
Assembling oppositely charged lock and key responsive colloids: A mesoscale analog of adaptive chemistry, Adriana M. Mihut, Björn Stenqvist, Mikael Lund, Peter Schurtenberger and Jérôme J. Crassous, Science Advances, 3, e1700321 (2017)
Dramatic influence of attractions on short-time protein diffusion under crowded conditions, Saskia Bucciarelli, Jin Suk Myung, Bela Farago, Shibananda Das, Gerard A. Vliegenthart, Olaf Holderer, Roland G. Winkler, Peter Schurtenberger, Gerhard Gompper and Anna Stradner, Science Advances 2, e1601432 (2016)
Anisotropic magnetic particles in a magnetic field, Ilya Martchenko, Jérôme J. Crassous, Adriana M. Mihut, Erik Wernersson, Ann Hirt, Chantal Rufier, Andreas Menzel, Hervé Dietsch, Per Linse, and Peter Schurtenberger, Soft Matter 12, 8755 (2016)
Anisotropic responsive microgels with tuneable shape and interactions, J. J. Crassous, A. M. Mihut, L. K. Månsson, and P. Schurtenberger, Nanoscale 7, 15971-15982 (2015)
Unusual Dynamics of Concentration Fluctuations in Solutions of Weakly Attractive Globular Proteins, Saskia Bucciarelli, Lucia Casal-Dujat, Cristiano De Michele, Francesco Sciortino, Jan Dhont, Johan Bergenholtz, Bela Farago, Peter Schurtenberger, and Anna Stradner, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 4470 (2015)
Multiple path-dependent routes for phase transition kinetics in thermo-responsive and field-responsive ultra-soft colloids, P. S. Mohanty, P. Bagheri, S. Nöjd, A. Yethiraj and P. Schurtenberger, Phys. Rev. X 5, 011030 (2015)
A new route towards colloidal molecules with externally tunable interaction sites. Linda K. Månsson, Jasper N. Immink, Adriana M. Mihut, Peter Schurtenberger, and Jérôme J. Crassous, Faraday Discussions 181, 49 (2015)
Field-induced assembly of colloidal ellipsoids into well-defined microtubules, J. J. Crassous, A. M. Mihut, E. Wernersson, P. Pfleiderer, J. Vermant, P. Linse, and P. Schurtenberger, Nature Communications 5:5516 doi: 10.1038/ncomms6516 (2014)
A Hard Sphere-Like Glass Transition in Eye Lens Alpha-Crystallin Solutions, G. Foffi, G. Savin, S. Bucciarelli, N. Dorsaz, G. M. Thurston, A. Stradner, and P. Schurtenberger, PNAS 111, 16748 (2014)
Effective interactions between soft-repulsive colloids: Experiments, theory and simulations, P.S. Mohanty, D. Paloli, J.J. Crassous, E. Zaccarelli, and P. Schurtenberger, J. Chem.Phys. 140, 094901 (2014) Electric field driven self-assembly of ionic microgels, S. Nöjd, P. S. Mohanty, P. Bagheri, A. Yethiraj and P. Schurtenberger, Soft Matter 9, 9199 (2013)
Fluid–solid transitions in soft-repulsive colloids, D. Paloli, P. S. Mohanty, J. J. Crassous, E. Zaccarelli, and P. Schurtenberger, Soft Matter (Communication) 9, 3000 (2013)
Unexpected decoupling of stretching and bending modes in protein gels. Gibaud, A. Zaccone, E. Del Gado, V. Trappe, and P. Schurtenberger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 058303 (2013)
New routes to food gels and glasses. T. Gibaud, N. Mahmoudi, J. Oberdisse, P. Lindner, J. Skov Pedersen, C. L. P. Oliveira, A. Stradner, and P. Schurtenberger, Faraday Discussions 158, 267 (2012)
Cluster-driven dynamical arrest in concentrated lysozyme solutions. F. Cardinaux, E. Zaccarelli, A. Stradner, S. Bucciarelli, B. Farago, S.U. Egelhaaf, F. Sciortino, and P. Schurtenberger. J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 7227 (2011)
Morphology and orientational behavior of silica-coated spindle-type hematite particles in a magnetic field probed by SAXS. M. Reufer, H. Dietsch, U. Gasser, A. Hirt, A. Menzel, and P. Schurtenberger, J. Phys. Chem. B 114, 4763 (2010)
New insight into cataract formation – enhanced stability through mutual attraction. A. Stradner, G. Foffi, N. Dorsaz, G.M. Thurston, and P. Schurtenberger. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 198103 (2007)
The interplay between spinodal decomposition and glass formation in proteins exhibiting short range attractions. F. Cardinaux, T. Gibaud, A Stradner, and Schurtenberger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 118301 (2007)
Equilibrium cluster formation in concentrated protein solutions and colloids. A. Stradner, H. Sedgwick, F. Cardinaux, W.C.K. Poon, S.U. Egelhaaf, and P. Schurtenberger. Nature 432, 492-495 (2004)
Phone +46-46-222 82 19 E-mail peter [dot] schurtenberger [at] fkem1 [dot] lu [dot] se