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News and events at Physical Chemistry


"For his outstanding contributions to our understanding and applications of the fundamental molecular interactions and forces in complex colloidal, soft-matter, and self-assembling systems." [more]


Professor Tommy Nylander at the Division of Physical Chemistry is the 2017 recipient of the Norblad-Ekstrand medal, presented by the Swedish Chemical Society. [more]


So-called lock-and-key interactions, i. e., the preferred association of molecular building blocks with complementary shapes, are omnipresent in biology, where they for example describe the interactions between enzymes and their...[more]


"For his outstanding contributions to our understanding and applications of the fundamental molecular interactions and forces in complex colloidal, soft-matter, and self-assembling systems."[more]


Peter Jönsson, Docent and Associate Senior University Lecturer at the Division of Physical Chemistry, receives an ERC Starting Grant. The 1.5 Million Euro grant runs over five years and will be used in his research to better...[more]


Cholesterol, a naturally occurring compound at the lung surface, has been shown to have a clear effect on the properties of this nanoscale film that covers the inside of our lungs.  [more]


Anna Stradner is appointed Professor in Physical Chemistry with focus on scattering studies of biocolloids.   Link to personal webpage    [more]


It is with great sadness that we must bring you the news that Per Linse passed away early last Friday, March 24, after struggling with a succession of serious diseases for several years. Needless to say, Per's death is a great...[more]

Displaying results 51 to 60 out of 87.

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