Physical chemistry of peptide-lipid co-assembly: from lipid-rich to peptide-rich
Peter Jönsson was awarded the 2016 Carl Tesdorpf scholarship for his studies on how molecules interact on the surface of cells. The scholarship will be used to setup a superresolution fluorescence microscope, which will make it...[more]
Protein motion in the dense and crowded environment of a living cell is essential for the functioning of the cellular machinery. In particular, the so-called short time diffusion on small length scales comparable to the typical...[more]
Researchers of the division have received a large grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation: SEK 30,670,000 during five years. [more]
From October 1, the Division of Physical Chemistry will have a new leadership. Ulf Olsson will act as head of the division and Emma Sparr as assistant head. We extend our sincere thanks to the departing head, Viveka...[more]
Researchers at Lund University together with colleagues at Toulouse University can now explain how the properties of the skin change depending on the outside environment. [more]
The Division of Physical Chemistry were challenged on different levels, while spending an afternoon together on September 20. We solved problems and experienced curling - for some, the first time at an...[more]
Peter Jönsson and collaborators have measured the interaction between protein molecules on the surface of contacting immune cells.[more]
11th of May 2016 at Lundmarksalen, Astronomy Building, Lund University, Sweden. Hosted by Molecular Recognition in Life (MoReLife), Imaging of 3D structures, ESS, MAX IV and MAX4ESSFUN[more]
Joakim Stenhammar developed a model in which patterns of light control the movement of active particles.[more]
We welcome participants and contributions from the wider community of food science and product development, food packaging, and nutrition, as well as scattering. [more]