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Recent study evidences the influence of shape complementarity and specific interactions on colloidal lock-and-key self-assembly


The 9th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium (IMMS-9) in Brisbane 17-20 August 2015 was attended by parts of the mesostructured silica group from Physical Chemistry.[more]


Poster presentations are a very important part of the ECIS program and one of the most popular posters was the one presented by Sofi Nöjd. She was therefore awarded with the prize for best poster. [more]


Peter Jönsson was one of four scholarship holders who this year received a grant from the Per-Eric and Ulla Schyberg foundation. The grant was awarded to Peter Jönsson for studies of intramolecular interactions between molecules...[more]


The pedagogical prize of LUNA is given to an outstanding lecturer, who understands that different students learn differently. The lecturer shall be there for the students, make them enthusiastic about the subject and take into...[more]


The Division of Physical Chemistry enjoyed an interesting and fruitful day in Skanör and Falsterbo on 2 June 2015. [more]


The award will be presented at the IACIS Conference in Mainz, Germany in May.[more]


This prestigious prize is given by the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, for neutron scattering.[more]


On Thursday February 26, 2015, it was announced that the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) has elected eleven new members, among these Professor Peter Schurtenberger of Lund University. [more]


An article by scientists at the Division of Physical Chemistry is the ACS Editors' Choice in the Journal of Physical Chemistry. [more]


Professor Yeshayahu Talmon whom has been a regular visitor at the division of Physical Chemistry for a number of decades, has been appointed Honorary Doctor by the Faculty of Science. [more]

Displaying results 71 to 80 out of 86.

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