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News and events at Physical Chemistry


Congratulations Dr Katarzyna Makasewicz (ETH Zürich Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering) and Dr Andrea Ridolfi (Astronomy and Physics of Living Systems, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) two young researchers that has been...[more]


A new scattering sample holder design, 3D printed in copper for improved thermal transfer characteristics during sample heating/cooling operations.  Dual longitudinal contact fins added to the capillary mount to improve the...[more]


The recent paper by Erika Andersson et al. in Geoderma has been selected as Editor’s Choice for April 2023: Erika’s paper gives a detailed physicochemical...[more]


Jan Dhont, Professor at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf and former Director of the Institute of Biomacromolecular Systems and Processes at Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany, receives the honorary doctorate by the...[more]


Christopher Ward is assisting a European collaboration on the development of a novel x-ray detector associated with scattering and fluorescence methods.  He was recently listed as a co-author on a...[more]


Jennifer Gilbert has been awarded for best poster in Life Sciences at the NanoLund Annual meeting 11 October for poster "Lipid nanoparticles using cationic ionisable lipids: Effect of cargo on structure.[more]


Peter Schurtenberger, Professor at Physical Chemistry,  has received the prestigious Graham Prize, issued by the German Colloid Society ( The Graham Prize...[more]


Nikol Labecka has been awarded a scholarship of SEK 11,000 from Bengt Lundqvist's Memory for researcher exchange 2022/2023. Link (in Swedish) Stiftelsen Bengt Lundqvists minne - Svenska Kemisamfundet[more]


Joakim Stenhammar, senior lecturer at the Division of Physical Chemistry, has been awarded 250 000 SEK from the Per-Eric and Ulla Schyberg foundation. The grant was awarded for his research on in the field of active matter,...[more]


Karin has been elected to the Council of the International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists (IACIS) as an Ordinary Council Member. In total, the service lasts for 6 years starting from June 29th 2022. IACIS...[more]

Displaying results 11 to 20 out of 87.

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