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Joakim Stenhammar has received a KAW grant


Marco Fornasier, Postdoc at Physical Chemistry will be awarded best PhD thesis in Physical Chemistry during the XXVII National Conference (digital ceremony) by the Italian Chemical Society ( Information...[more]


Olga Santos has signed a two-year position as an adjunct university lecturer in physical chemistry with focus on surface chemistry. Olga works at Alfa Laval in Lund as a Material Specialist since 2011. She has completed her PhD...[more]


Martin Malmsten has been elected member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV). ( Since before, he is member of the Royal...[more]


Emma Sparr has been elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), Chemical Engineering Division. Emma was elected at the Assembly of the Academy on 1 December 2020. The Royal Swedish Academy of...[more]


Peter Schurtenberger, Professor at Physical Chemistry,  will receive the prestigious Overbeek Gold Medal for 2020 awarded by ECIS, the European Colloid and Interface Society (  The...[more]


Martin Malmsten has been elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, class for Engineering Sciences. Since before, he is member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and chairman of its Division of...[more]


A group of four Swedish researchers (Peter Schurtenberger and Anna Stradner, both Professors at Physical Chemistry, Dr. Ann Terry from the MAX IV laboratory in Lund and Fivos Perakis, Assistant Professor at Stockholm...[more]


Emma Sparr, Professor at Physical Chemistry, has received a prestigious grant for interdisciplinary research environments from the Swedish Research Council. The collaborative project  “CASCADE - cause or consequence in...[more]


Joakim Stenhammar, Associate Senior Lecturer at Physical Chemistry, has received a prestigious grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation, as part of a consortium with researchers from University of Gothenburg and...[more]


Emma Sparr, Professor of Physical Chemistry, was honoured with the Arrhenius medal at an event in Lund. The Arrhenius medal is presented every year to outstanding chemists or to other people who have done valuable work for the...[more]

Displaying results 31 to 40 out of 86.

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