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Giovanna has an exceptional research track record within the use of neutron methods for studying soft matter systems. Here, her research on lipid membranes and interfacial structures and processes fits particularly well into the...[more]


Marco Fornasier, postdoc at the Division of Physical Chemistry, has been awarded a research grant of 500k SEK by the Åke Wibergs Stiftelse for medicine research, for the project "MICROMILD: Super-resolution microscopy to study...[more]


Andrea Scotti has been awarded a grant from the Faculty of Science for infrastructure funding in 2024 to realise experimental set-up to perform interfacial rheology paired with a Langmuir through. This technique allows us to...[more]


The Royal Physiographic Society of Lund has decided to award Nikol Labecka endowments for the Natural Sciences, Medicine and Technology – Chemistry for a project on  “Non-equlibrium behaviour of tear film lipid layer at...[more]


Congratulations Björn Lindman The ECIS-Lyklema Prize is granted to an ECIS scientist with proven scientific excellence who additionally devoted long-time, sustained and exceptional efforts to ECIS organizational activities and...[more]


COMMONS is a five-year initiative supported by the Swedish Research Council, with the aim of promoting cooperation in chemical research related to biomembrane and biomolecular interactions. Through the establishment of a research...[more]


Benedikt Sohmen, Christian Beck, Veronika Frank, Tilo Seydel, Ingo Hoffmann, Bianca Hermann, Mark Nüesch, Marco Grimaldo, Frank Schreiber, Steffen Wolf, Felix Roosen-Runge, Thorsten...[more]


The Royal Physiographic Society of Lund has decided to award Marco Fornasier, Jing Hu and Kenneth Or endowments for the Natural Sciences, Medicine and Technology - Chemistry Marco Fornasier: Project title: Hydrodynamic forces to...[more]


The Swedish Neutron Scattering Society (SNSS, is an organization open to all those who are using, or interested in the use of, neutron scattering techniques in Sweden. There are currently about 200 members from...[more]

Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 92.

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