The overarching aim of COMMONS is to provide a multifaceted scientific environment focusing on unifying physicochemical processes of key importance for the function of cellular membranes and biomolecules.
The COMMONS Center brings together methodological and theoretical expertise from Lund University, Chalmers and Copenhagen University, and will serve as host for a Graduate School and a Visiting Professor program to attract experts from a broad field of biomembrane and biomolecular sciences.
- Establishing a research environment uniquely positioned to pick up & address new scientific challenges – including research training, execution, and translation.
- Enabling long-standing research questions to be addressed through complementary approaches
- Engaging excellent complimentary research environments internationally & nationally
- Catalyzing collaborations & strengthening the scientific community within the COMMONS fields of research
- Establishing a broader approach for scientific communication, including interdisciplinary communication between academic disciplines
Means to reach these goals
- Research school, including joint courses and National PhD Student Conferences allingning to COMMONS
- Extensive guest professor program to bring in new initiatives within the COMMONS theme, and to boost pre-existing ones
- Strategic postdoc recruitments for triggering collaborative research activites within selected areas.
- Initiatives for sharing scientific methods/instrumentation and building awarness of possibilities around this.
- Monthly COMMONS Challenges (1 theme/3 nodes/wide perspectives through mulitiple-way interaction), complementing conventional seminar activities.
- Broad communication activities, including thematic worshops/conferences, as well as establishing an Academic Forum for interdisciplinary scientific communication.