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Academic Forum

One central theme of the COMMONS Center is a strong ambition to disseminate the research frontiers in the research field not only to the general public, but to bridge the natural science in focus with social sciences and humanities via an Academic Forum. 

The Academic Forum will establish a platform not only for informed discussions on ethical questions related to the industrial utilization of research results, but also for reflect ion ranging from science history to the connection between advances in natural science and humanities. 

The Academic Forum will be developed in collaborations with the  cultural magazine Glänta and with support from the COMMONS SAB member David Dunér

The 1st Academic Forum Public Event takes place on May 6 

9.30-12: inspiration lectures on essayist writing in academia
Lecture hall KC:F
9.30 Intro
10.00 Julia Ravanis (Glänta, Chalmers) on (popular science) writing
10.45 Break
11.00 Khashayar Naderehvandi (Glänta) on (literary) writing

19.00 Evening lecture
Lecture hall KC:B
David Dunér (LU): “Historical perspectives on the concept of life”
19.45 Discussions and mingle
Thematically, this lecture coincides with Glänta’s upcoming journal  issue on life, published in cooperation with COMMONS.

Julia Ravanis is author of popular science books ("Skönheten i Kaos"), part of the Glänta editorial team, and is currently PhD researcher in technology history at Chalmers.

Khashayar Naderehvandi is author and poet, and part of the Glänta editorial team.

David Dunér is professor in history of science and ideas at the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences at Lund University.