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PhD Student Emelie Nilsson won a poster award at IMMS-9


Emelie Nilsson (third from the left) while receiving one of the poster prizes, given by Professor Ajayan Vinu, Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports and co-chair of the IMMS organising committee (third from the right) and Professor George Zhao, chair of the IMMS organizing committee (far right).

The 9th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium (IMMS-9) in Brisbane 17-20 August 2015 was attended by parts of the mesostructured silica group from Physical Chemistry.

The IMMS meetings, which are held every second or third year, promote discussions on developments in the synthesis and characterization of mesostructured materials.  

Dr Yana Znamenskaya gave a very appreciated oral presentation and Ruiyu Lin, Emelie Nilsson and Dr Julien Schmitt presented posters. The posters were a large part of the meeting, and an opportunity for many of the younger scientists to discuss their research. Since this is one of the major meetings in terms of mesostructured materials with a lot of good presentations, we are particularly happy that Emelie Nilsson won a poster award this year and we want to congratulate her to an excellent piece of work.