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Publications Emma Sparr

126. K. Makasewicz, S. Linse, E. Sparr
The interplay of α-synuclein with lipid membranes - cooperative adsorption, membrane remodeling and co-aggregation. 
JACS Au (2024) 4, 1250

125. M. Lindberg, J. Hu, E. Sparr, S. Linse
Reduced protein solubility - cause or consequence in amyloid disease?
QRB (2024) In press

124. B. Perrone, M. Gunnarsson, D. Bernin, E. Sparr, D Topgaard
Cryogenic probe technology enables multidimensional solidstate NMR of the stratum corneum without isotope labeling
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (2024) In press

123. E. Axell, J. Hu, M. Lindberg, A.J. Dear, L. Ortigosa-Pascual, E. A. Andrzejewskac, G. Sneideriene, D. Thacker, T.P.J. Knowles, E. Sparr, S. Linse
The role of shear forces in primary and secondary nucleation of amyloid fibrils.
PNAS (2024) In press

122. N. Labecka, M. Szczepanczyk, E. Mujumbar, E. Sparr, S. Björklund
Unraveling UVB effects: Catalase activity and molecular alterations in the stratum corneum
J. Coll Interface Sci (2024) 666, 176

121. V. Halipi, N. Sasanian, J. Feng, J. Hu, Q. Lubart, D. Bernson, D. van Leeuwen, DoD.ryaneh Ahmadpour, E. Sparr, E.K. Esbjörner
Extracellular vesicles slow down Aβ(1-42) aggregation by interfering with the amyloid 1 fibril elongation step
ACS Chem Neurosci (2024) 15, 944

120. C. Galvagnion, A. Barclay, K. Makasewicz, F.R. Marlet, M Moulin, J. Devos, S. Linse, A. Martel, L. Porcar, E. Sparr, M.C. Pedersen, F. Roosen-Runge, L. Arleth, A.K. Buell
Structural characterisation of α-synuclein-membrane interactions and the resulting aggregation using small angle scattering
Phys chem chem phys (2024) In press

119. M. Lindberg, E. Axell, E. Sparr, S. Linse
A label-free high-throughput solubility assay for amyloid beta peptides
Biophys Chem (2024) 307:107165

118. X. Liu, T. Auth, N. Hazra, M. Frendø Ebbesen, J Brewer, G. Gompper, J.J. Crassous, E. Sparr.
Wrapping anisotropic microgel particles in lipid membranes - effects of particle shape and
membrane rigidity

PNAS (2023) 120(3) e2217534120

117. J. Hu, S. Linse, E. Sparr
Ganglioside micelles affect amyloid beta aggregation by co-assembly
ACS Chem Neurosci. (2023) 14, 4335

116. E. Sparr,* S. Björklund, Q. D. Pham. E. H. Mojumdar, B. Stenqvist, M. Gunnarsson, D. Topgaard
The stratum corneum barrier - from molecular scale to macroscopic properties 
Current opinion in Colloidal and Interface Science. (2023) 67, 101725

115. M. Gunnarsson, S. Larsson, M. Malak, M. B. Ericson, D. Topgaard, E. Sparr
Molecular Mobility in Keratin-Rich Materials Monitored by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: A Tool for the Evaluation of Structure-Giving Properties
Biomacromolecules (2023) 24, 2661

114. R. Franckell, E. Sparr, S. Linse
Retardation of Aβ42 fibril formation by apolipoprotein A-I and recombinant HDL particles
J. Biol. Chem (2023) 299, 105273

113. A. Andersson, S. Linse, E. Sparr, M. Fornasier, P. Jönsson
The density of anionic lipids moderates the adsorption of a-synuclein onto lipid membranes
Biophys Chem (2023) 305, 107143

112. Q. D. Pham, B. Biatry, S. Grégoire, D. Topgaard, E. Sparr
Solubility of Foreign Molecules in Stratum Corneum Brick and Mortar Membrane
J. Coll Interface Sci (2023) 39, 2347

111. K. Makasewicz, S. Wennmalm, S. Linse, E. Sparr. 
α-synuclein-induced Deformation of Small Unilamellar Vesicles.
Quart Rev Biophys Discovery (2022) 3, e10, 1–9

110. B. Stenqvist, M. Ericson, S. Gregoire, B. Biatry, G. Cassin, M. Jankunec, J. Engblom, E. Sparr
Membrane permeability based on Mesh analysis
J. Coll Interface Sci (2022) 644, 526-535

109. J. Stenhammar, E. Sparr, H. Wennerström
Thermal fluctuations and osmotic stability of lipid vesicles
PhyRev E (2022)106, 064607

108. S. Fridolf, Q.D. Pham, J. Pallbo, K. Bernfur, S. Linse, D. Topgaard, E. Sparr
Ganglioside GM3 stimulates lipid-protein co-assembly in α-synuclein amyloid formation
Biophysical Chemistry (2022) 293, 106934

107. S. Fridolf. M. Koder Hamid, L. Svenningsson, M. Skepö, E. Sparr, D. Topgaard.
Molecular dynamics simulations and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurements of C-H bond order parameterrs and effective correlation times in a POPC-GM3 bilayer
Phys Chem Chem Phys  (2022) 24, 25588-25601 

106. A. Andersson , M. Fornasier , K. Makasewicz , T. Palmadottir , S. Linse , E. Sparr P. Jönsson 
Single-vesicle intensity and colocalization fluorescence microscopy to study lipid vesicle fusion, fission, and lipid exchange
Frontiers Mol Neurosci (2022) 15, 1007699

105. M. Dubackic,Y. Liu, E. Kelley, C. Hetherington, M. Härtlein, J. Devos, S. Linse, E. Sparr, U. Olsson
α-Synuclein interaction with lipid bilayer discs
Langmuir (2022) 38, 33, 10216–10224

104. R. Frankel, E. Sparr, S. Linse
On the aggregation of apolipoprotein A-1
Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2022) 23, 8780

103. N. Kis, M. Gunnarsson, S. Berkó, E. Sparr
The effects of glycols on molecular mobility, structure and permeability in stratum corneum
J. Controlled Release (2022) 343,755

102. X. Liu, J. Stenhammar, H. Wennerström, E. Sparr. 
Vesicles balance osmotic stress with bending energy that can be released to form daughter vesicles.
J. Phys. Chem Lett. (2022) 13, 498

101. E. Bankell, X. Liu, M. Lundqvist, D. Svensson, K. Swärd, E. Sparr, B-O. Nilsson
The antimicrobial peptide LL-37 triggers release of apoptosis-inducing factor and shows direct effects on mitochondria  
Biochem Biophys Rep (2022) 101192

100. Y. Sonoki, Q.D. Pham, E. Sparr.
Beyond Additivity: A mixture of  glucose and NaCl can influence skin hydration more than the individual compounds.
J. Coll Interface Sci (2022) 613, 554–562

99. J. Pallbo, U. Olsson, E. Sparr
Strong inhibition of peptide amyloid formation by a fatty acid
Biophys J (2021) 120, 1-11

98. M. Gunnarsson, E.H. Mojumbar, D. Topgaard, E. Sparr
Extraction of natural moisterizing factor from the stratum corneum and its implications in skin molecular mobility
J Coll Interf Sci (2021) 604, 480-491

97. M. Dubackic, S. Linse, E. Sparr, U. Olsson
Comparing alpha-synuclein fibrils formed in the absence and presence of model lipid membranes: A small and wide-angle X-ray scattering study
Frontiers Soft Matter (2021) 1, 741996

96. M. Dubackic, I. Idini, V. Lattanzi, Y. Lui, A. Martel, A. Terry. M. Haertline, J. Devos, A. Jackson, E. Sparr, S. Linse, U. Olsson
On the cluster formation of a-synuclein fibrils
Frontiers Molecular Biosciences (2021) 8, 768004

95. Q.D. Pham, S. Gregoire, B. Biatry, G. Cassin, D. Topgaard, E. Sparr
Skin hydration as a tool to control the distribution and molecular effects of intermediate polarity compounds in intact stratum corneum
J Coll Interf Sci (2021) 603, 874

94. V. Lattanzi, K. Bernfur, E. Sparr, U. Olsson, S. Linse
Solubility of Abeta40 peptide
JCIS Open (2021) 4, 100024

93. R. Frankel, K. Bernfur, E. Sparr, S. Linse
Purification and HDL-like particle formation of Apolipoprotein A-I after co-expression with the EDDIE mutant Npro autoprotease
Protein Expression and Purification (2021) 187, 105946

92. K. Makasewicz, S. Wennmalm, B. Stenqvist, M. Fornasier, A. Andersson, P. Jönsson, S. Linse, E. Sparr. 
Cooperativity of a-synuclein binding to lipid membranes. 
ACS Chem Neuroscience. (2021) 12, 2099-2109

91. R. Gaspar, I. Idini, G. Carlström, S. Linse, E. Sparr.
Transient lipid-protein structures and selective ganglioside uptake during a-synuclein-lipid co-aggregation
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (2021) vol 9, 622764

90. J. Pallbo, M. Imai, L. Gentile, S. Takata, U. Olsson, E. Sparr
NACore amyloid formation in the presence of phospholipids
Frontiers Physiology (2020) 11:592117

89. E.H Mojumdar, E. Sparr
The effect of pH and salt on the molecular structure and dynamics of the skin
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2020) 198, 111476

88. Andersson, J.M., Pham, Q.D., Mateos, H., Eriksson, S., Harryson, P., Sparr, E.
The plant dehydrin Lti30 stabilizes lipid lamellar structures in varying hydration conditions
J. Lip Research (2020) 61: 1014–1024

87. Gaspar, R. Lund, M., Sparr, E., Linse, S.
Anamalous salt dependence reveals an interplay of attractive and repulsive electrostatic interactions in a-synuclein fibril formation
Quarterly Rev Biophys - Discovery (2020) 1, e2: 1-11

86. Stenqvist B., Sparr E.
Tortuosity in the Brick and Mortar Model based on Chemical Conductiton
Chem Eng Sci (2020) 223: 115729

85. Pham Q.D, Carlström G., Lafon O., Sparr E., Topgaard, D.
Quantification of the amount of mobile components in intact stratum corneum with natural-abundance 13C solid-state NMR
Phys Chem Chem Phys (2020) 22: 6572-6583

84. Mujumdar, E.H., Grey, C. Sparr, E.S.
Self-Assembly in Ganglioside-Phospholipid Systems: The Co-Existence of Vesicles, Micelles, and Discs
Int. J. Molecular Sci (2020) 21,56

83. C. Galvagnion, D. Topgaard, K. Makasewicz, A.K. Buell, S. Linse, E. Sparr, C. Dobson
Lipid dynamics and phase transition within a-synuclein amyloid fibrils. 
J. Phys. Chem. Lett (2019) 10, 7872

82. A. Wolde-Kidan, Q. D. Pham, A. Schlaich, P. Loche, E: Sparr, R.R. Netz, E. Schneck
Influence of Polar Co-Solutes and Salt on the Hydration of Lipid Membranes
Phys Chem Chem Phys (2019) 21, 16989

81. E. Sparr, S. Linse
Lipid-protein interactions in amyloid formation. 
Biochim Biophys Acta - Proteins and Proteomics (2019) 1867, 455

80. M. Wang, A.M. Mihut, E. Rieloff, A.P. Dabkowska, L.K. Månsson, J.N. Immink, E. Sparr, J. Crassous. 
Assembling Responsing Microgels at Responsive Lipid Membrane
PNAS (2019) 116, 5442

79. J. Pallbo, E. Sparr, U. Olsson
Aggregation behavior of the amyloid model peptide NACore
Q Rev Biophys-Discovery (2019) 52, e4, 1-10

78. J. Andersson, K. Roger, M. Larsson, E. Sparr. 
The impact of non-equilibrium conditions in lung surfactant: structure and composition gradients in multilamellar films. 
ACS Central Science (2018) 4, 1315

77. R. Gaspar, J. Pallbo, U. Weininger, S. Linse, E. Sparr.
Ganglioside lipids accelerate ?-synuclein amyloid formation
Biochim Biophys Acta - Proteins and Proteomics (2018) 1866,1062

76. Q.D. Pham, A. Wolde-Kidan, A. Gupta, E. Schneck, R. Netz, E. Sparr. 
Effects of Urea and TMAO on Lipid Self-Assembly under Osmotic Stress Conditions
J. Phys Chem B (2018) 1255, 6471 (selected for journal cover)

75. Q. D. Pham, E. H. Mojumdar, G.S. Gooris, J.A. Bouwstra, E. Sparr, D. Topgaard.
Solid and Fluid Hydrocarbon chains within the same molecule in stratum corneum lamellar lipid structure.
Q. Rev Biophys - Discovery (2018) 51, e7. 

74. J. Habchi, S. Chia, C. Galvagnion, T. C. T. Michaels, M. Bellaiche, F. S. Ruggeri, M. Sanguanini, I. Idini, J. R. Kumita, E. Sparr, S. Linse, C. M. Dobson, T. P. J. Knowles, M. Vendruscolo. 
Cholesterol catalyses Ab42 aggregation through a heterogeneous nucleation pathway in the presence of lipid membranes. 
Nature Chemistry (2018) 10, 673

 73. K. Roger, E. Sparr, H. Wennerström. 
Evaporation, diffusion and self-assembly at drying interfaces. 
PCCP (2018) 20, 10430

72. G. Tesei, E. Hellstrand, K. Sanagavarapu, S. Linse, E. Sparr, R. Vacha, M. Lund. 
Aggregate Size Dependence of Amyloid Adsorption onto Charged Interfaces. 
Langmuir (2018) 34, 1266

71. E.H. Mujumdar, Q.D. Pham, D. Topgaard, E. Sparr. 
Skin Hydration: Interplay between molecular dynamics, structure and water uptake in the stratum corneum. 
Sci Reports (2017) 7, 15712

70. J. M. Andersson, C. Grey, M. Larsson, T.M. Ferreira, E. Sparr. 
Effect of cholesterol on the molecular structure and transitions in a clinical-grade lung surfactant extract. 
PNAS (2017) 114, E3592-E3601

69. Q.D. Pham, D. Topgaard, E. Sparr. 
Tracking solvents in the skin- Molecular mobility of solvents, lipids and protein in intact stratum corneum. 
PNAS (2017) 114, E112-E121

68. R. Gaspar, G. Meisl, A. K. Buell, L. Young, C.F. Kaminski, T.P.J. Knowles, E. Sparr, S. Linse. 
Secondary nucleation of monomers on fibril surface dominates a-synuclein aggregation and provides autocatalytic amyloid amplification. 
Quart. Rev. Biophysics (2016) 50, e6

67. A.P. Dabkowska, A. Michanek, L. Jaeger, A. Chworos, T. Nylander, E. Sparr. 
Supported fluid bilayers as scaffolds to direct the assembly of RNA nanostructures, 
in "RNA nanostructures". Eds. Bruce Shapiro and Eckart Bindewald. Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer lab protocol series (2016) 

66. K. Roger, M. Liebi, J. Heimdal, Q.D. Pham, E. Sparr. 
Controlling evaporation through self-assembly. 
PNAS (2016) 113, 10275

65. S. Björklund, D.Q. Pham, L.B. Jensen, N.O. Knudsen, L.D. Nielsen, K. Ekelund, T. Ruzgas, J. Engblom, E. Sparr. 
The effects of polar excipients transcutol and dexpanthenol on molecular mobility, permeability, and electrical impedance of the skin barrier. 
J Colloid Interface  Sci (2016) 479:207-2

64. C. Galvagnion , J.W.P. Brown  , M.M. Ouberai, P. Flagmeier , M. Vendruscolo, A.K. Buell, E. Sparr,  C.M. Dobson. 
The chemical properties of lipids strongly affect the kinetics of the membrane-induced aggregation of alpha-synuclein. 
PNAS (2016) 113, 7065-70

63. Q.D. Pham, S. Björklund, J. Engblom, D. Topgaard, E. Sparr. 
Chemical penetration enhancers in stratum corneum — Relation between molecular effects and barrier function. 
J Controlled Release (2016) 232, 175-187

62. A. Runnsjö, A. Dabkowska, E. Sparr, V. Kocherbitov, T. Arnebrant, J. J. Engblom. 
Diffusion through Pig Gastric Mucin: Effect of Relative Humidity. 
Plos One (2016) DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0157596

61. Q.D. Pham, D. Topgaard, E. Sparr. 
Cyclic and linear monoterpenes in phospholipid membranes; Phase behaviour, bilayer structure and molecular dynamics. 
Langmuir (2015) 31, 11067-77

60. A. Dabkowska, A. Michanel, L. Jaeger, M. Rabe, F. Höök, T. Nylander, E. Sparr.
Assembly of RNA nanostructures on supported lipid bilayers. 
Nanoscale (2015) 7, 583–596

59. M. Grey, C. Dunning, R. Gaspar, C. Grey, P. Brundin, E. Sparr, S. Linse.
Acceleration of a-synuclein aggregation by exosomes. 
J Biol Chem (2015) 290, 2969–2982

58. T. Mokhtari, Q.D. Pham, C. Hirst, B.M.D. O'Driscoll, T. Nylander, K.J. Edler, E. Sparr. 
Controlling interfacial film formation in polymer-surfactant systems by changing the vapor phase. 
Langmuir (2014) 30, 9991

57. S. Björklund, J.M. Andersson, Q.D. Pham, A. Nowacka, D. Topgaard, E. Sparr. 
Stratum corneum molecular mobility in the presence of natural moisturizers. 
Soft Matter (2014) 10, 4535-4546

56. A.K. Buell, C. Galvagnion, R. Gaspar, E. Sparr, M. Vendruscolo, T.P.J. Knowles S. Linse, C.M. Dobson 
Solution conditions determine the relative importance of nucleation and growth processes in alpha-synuclein aggregation.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2014) 111. 7671-7677

55. M. Eeman, G. Olofsson, E. Sparr, M.N. Nasir, T. Nylander, M. Deleu. 
Interaction of fengycin with stratum corneum mimicking model membranes: a calorimetry study. 
Coll Surf B: Biointerfaces (2014) 121,27

54. E. Hellstrand, A. Nowacka, D. Topgaard, S. Linse, E. Sparr.
Membrane Lipid Co-Aggregation with α-Synuclein Fibrils
PLoS ONE (2013) e61889

53. E. Hellstrand, M. Grey, M-L- Ainalem, J. Ankner, T. Forsyth, G. Fragneto, M. Haetlein, M.T. Dauvergne, H. Nilsson, P. Brundin, S. Linse, T. Nylander, E. Sparr. 
Adsorption of a-synuclein to supported lipid bilayers - positioning and role of electrostatics
ACS Chem Neurosci (2013) 4, 1339-1351

52. G. Olofsson, E. Sparr. 
Ionization constants pKa of cardiolipin
PLoS ONE (2013) e73040

51. S. Björklund, J. Engblom, K. Thuresson, E. Sparr. 
Glycerol and urea can be used to increase skin permeability in reduced hydration conditions
Eur J Pharm Sci (2013) 50, 638-645

50. S. Björklund, A. Nowacka, J.A. Bouwstra, E. Sparr, D. Topgaard. 
Characterization of stratum corneum molecular dynamics by natural-abundance 13C solid-state NMR
PLOS One (2013). 8, e61889

49.  E. Sparr, D. Millecamp, M .Isoir, V. Burnier, Å. Larsson, B. Cabane. 
Controlling the hydration of the skin though the application of occluding barrier creams.
JRS Interface (2013) 10, 20120788

48.  S. Björklund, , T. Ruzgas, A. Nowacka, I. Dahi, D. Topggard, E. Sparr, J. Engblom 
Skin Membrane Electrical Impedance Properties under the Influence of a Varying Water Gradient. 
Biophys J (2013) 104, 2639-2650

47.  A. Michanek, T. Nylander, E. Sparr. 
ssRNA base pairing at a bilayer interface can be controlled by c  acyl chain order. 
Soft Matter (2012) 8, 10428

46. A. Michanek, M. Yanez, H. Wacklin, A. Hughes, T. Nylander, E. Sparr, 
RNA and DNA Association to Zwitterionic and Charged Monolayers at the Air-Liquid Interface. 
Langmuir (2012) 28, 9692

45.  C. Åberg, E. Sparr, H. Wennerström, 
Lipid Phase Behaviour under Steady-State Conditions (2012) 
Faraday Discussions. I61, 151-161

44.  A. Nowacka, S. Douezan, L. Wadsö, D. Topgaard, and E. Sparr 
Small polar molecules like glycerol and urea can preserve the fluidity of lipid bilayers under dry conditions, 
Soft Matter (2012) 8, 1482

43.  P. Falkman, C. Åberg, A. Clemens, E. Sparr. 
Lyotropic lipid phases confined in cylindrical pores - Structure and Permeability. 
J. Phys. Chem B (2011) 115, 14450–14461

42. M. Grey, S. Linse, H. Nilsson, P. Brundin, E. Sparr. 
Membrane Interaction of a-Synuclein in Different Aggregation States. 
Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 1 (2011) 359–371

41. E. Sparr, H. Wennerström.
Interlamellar forces and the thermodynamic characterization of lamellar phospholipid systems. 
Curr Op Coll Interf Sci (2011) 16, 561–567

40. S. Björklund, J. Engblom, K. Thuresson, E. Sparr. 
A water gradient can be used to regulate drug transport across skin. 
J. Control Release (2010) 143, 191-200

39. A Michanek, N. Kristen, F. Höök, T. Nylander, E. Sparr. 
RNA and DNA interactions with zwitterionic and charged lipid membranes — A DSC and QCM-D study. 
Biophys Biochim Acta – Biomembranes (2010) 1798 829-838

38. E. Hellstrand, E. Sparr, S. Linse. 
Retardation of A beta fibril formation by phospholipid vesicles depends on membrane phase behaviour. 
Biophys. J. (2010) 98, 1-9

37. C. Åberg, E. Sparr, M. Larsson, H. Wennerström. 
A theoretical study of diffusional transport over the alveolar surfactant layer. 
Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2010) 7, 1403-1410

36. M.L. Ainalem, N. Kristen, K. Edler, F. Höök, E. Sparr, T. Nylander. 
DNA binding to zwitterionic model membranes. 
Langmuir (2010) 26, 4965-4976

35. F.O. Costa-Balogh, E. Sparr, J.J.S. Sousa, A.A.C.C. Pais. 
Drug release from lipid liquid crystalline phases: relation with phase behaviour. 
Drug Dev Ind Pharm (2010) 36, 470-481

34. E. Sparr, C. Åberg, P. Nilsson, H. Wennerström. 
Diffusional transport in responding lipid membranes. 
Soft Matter, (2009) 5, 3225-3233

33. C. Åberg, E, Sparr, K. Edler, H. Wennerström. 
Non-Equilibrium Phase Transformations at the Air-Liquid Interface. 
Langmuir (2009) 25, 12177–12184

32. F.O. Costa-Balogh, E. Sparr, J.J.S. Sousa, A.A.C.C Pais. 
Drug release and skin permeation from lipid liquid crystalline phases. 
Progr Coll Polym Sci (2008) 135, 119-129

31. C. Åberg, H. Wennerström, E. Sparr. 
Transport Processes in Responding Lipid Membranes: A Possible Mechanism for the pH Gradient in the Stratum Corneum. 
Langmuir (2008) 24, 8061-8070

30. C. Åberg, C. Pairin, F. Costa-Balogh, E. Sparr. 
Responding Double-Porous Lipid Membranes.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta – Biomembranes (2007) 1778, 549-558

29. C.L. Silva, D. Topgaard, V. Kocherbitov, J.J.S. Sousa, A.A.C.C. Pais, E. Sparr. 
Stratum corneum hydration: phase transformations and mobility in stratum corneum, extracted lipids and isolated corneocytes.  
Biochim. Biophys. Acta – Biomembranes (2007) 1768, 2647-2659

28. F. Costa-Balogh, H. Wennerström, L. Wadsö, E. Sparr. 
How small polar molecules protect membranes against osmotic stress: The urea–water-phospholipid system. 
J. Phys. Chem. B (2006) 110, 23845-23852

27. B. de Kruijff, J.A. Killian, D.N. Ganchev, H.A.Rinia, E. Sparr. 
Striated domain self-organizing ordered assemblies of transmembrane a-helical peptides and lipids in bilayers. 
Chem. Biol. (2005) 387, 235–241

26. E. Sparr, W.A. Ash, P.V.Nazarov, D.T.S. Rijkers, M.A. Hemminga, D.P. Tieleman, J.A. Killian. 
Self-association of transmembrane a-helices in model membranes: importance of helix orientation and role of hydrophobic mismatch. 
J. Biol. Chem . (2005) 280, 39324-39331

25. F. Costa-Balogh, C. Åberg, J.J. Sousa, E. Sparr. 
Drug transport in responding lipid membranes can be regulated by an external osmotic gradient. 
Langmuir, (2005) 21, 10307-10310

24. E. Sparr, D. Ganchev, A. Ridder, D. Rijkers, L. Kroon-Batenburg, V. Chupin, J.A. Killian, B. de Kruijff. 
Molecular organization of striated domains formed by transmembrane a-helical peptides in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers. 
Biochemistry (2005) 44, 2-10

23. E. Sparr, M.F.M. Engel, D.V. Sakharov, M. Sprong, J. Jacobs,  B. de Kruijff, J.W.M. Höppener, J. A. Killian. 
Islet amyloid polypeptide-induced membrane leakage involves uptake of lipids by forming amyloid fibers. 
FEBS Lett (2004) 577, 117–120

22. E. Sparr, P. Wadsten, V. Kocherbitov, S. Engström. 
The effect of bacteriorhodopsin, detergent and hydration on the cubic-to-lamellar phase transition in the monoolein-distearoyl phosphatidyl glycerol-water system. 
Biochim. Biophys Acta (2004) 1665, 156-165

21. N. Merclin, J. Bender, E. Sparr, H. Ehrsson, R. Guy, S. Engström. 
Transdermal delivery from a lipid sponge phase –iontophoretic and passive transport in vitro of 5-aminolevulinic acid and its methyl ester. 
J. Contr. Rel. (2004) 100, 191-198

20. A. Thapper, E. Sparr, B.F.G. Johnson, J. Lewis, P.R. Raithby, E. Norlander. 
Reversible p-coordination of triallylphosphine in a trinuclear ruthenium carbonyl cluster. 
Inorg. Chem. Comm. (2004) 7, 443-446

19. H. Wennerström, E. Sparr. 
The Thermodynamics of Membrane Lipid Hydration.  
Pure Appl. Chem. (2003) 75, 905-912

18. E. Sparr, L. Hallin, N. Markova, H. Wennerström. 
Cholesterol-Phospholipid Bilayers under Osmotic Stress.  
Biophys. J. (2002) 83, 2115-2125

17. H. Gillgren, A. Stenstam, E. Sparr, S. Ulvenlund. 
Morphology and Molecular Conformation in Thin Films of Poly-g-methyl-L-glutamate at the Air-Water Interface.  
Langmuir (2002) 18, 462-469

16. E. Sparr, H. Wennerström. 
Responding Binary Phospholipid Membranes - Interplay between Hydration and Permeability. 
Biophys. J. (2001) 81, 1014-1028

15. E. Sparr, L. Eriksson, J.A. Bouwstra , K. Ekelund. 
An AFM Study on Lipid Monolayers: III. Phase Behaviour of Ceramides, Cholesterol and Fatty Acids. 
Langmuir (2001) 17, 164-172

14. N. Markova, E. Sparr, L. Wadsö. 
Applications of the Double Twin Isothermal Microcalorimeter – Phase Transformations and Clay Swelling.  
Thermochim. Acta (2001) 374, 93-104

13. S. Ulvenlund, H. Gillgren, A. Stenstam, P. Bäckman, E. Sparr 
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Development of supramolecular structure through alkylation of pendant pyridyl functionality. 
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Hydrogen-bond acceptor properties of nitro-O atoms: a combined crystallographic database and ab initio molecular orbital study.  
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3. E Sparr. 
Sju stora beslut och tre små tips. Chapter in antholgy “Vägar till vetenskapen”,  Editor K. Nordlund. Santérus förlag (2013)

2. E. Sparr. 
Osynlig rörelse. Chapter in interdisciplinary antholgy “TEMPO”, Editors H. Sandberg, M. Cronqvist. Makadam förlag (2008)

1. E. Sparr, S. Engström. 
Lipid Phase Behaviour – Basis for an Understanding of Membrane Structure and Function.
Book chapter in ‘Hair; Nail and Skin: Structure and function’ (Eds. B. Forslind, M. Lindberg, Marcel Dekker). 2004