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Research Article from the journal: Angewandte Chemie International Edition


Structure and anisotropic dynamics of stimuli responsive colloidal ellipsoids at the nearest neighbor length scale Antara Pal, Md. Arif Kamal, Peter...[more]


Bioderived, chiral and stable 1-dimensional light-responsive nanostructures: Interconversion between tubules and twisted ribbons Santilli, A.; Lapi, A.; Cautela, J.; D’Abramo, M.; Chen, C. G.; Del Giudice, A.; Sennato,...[more]


Shape Matters in Magnetic-Field-Assisted Assembly of Prolate Colloids Antara Pal, Carlo Andrea De Filippo, Thiago Ito, Md. Arif Kamal, Andrei V. Petukhov,  Cristiano De Michele, and Peter...[more]


Condensed Supramolecular Helices: The Twisted Sisters of DNA.  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202113279.  Guanqun Du, Domagoj Belić, Alessandra Del Giudice, Viveka Alfredsson, Anna M. Carnerup, Kaizheng Zhu, Bo...[more]


Effect of encapsulated protein on the dynamics of lipid sponge phase: a neutron spin echo and molecular dynamics simulation study Jennifer Gilbert,   Inna Ermilova,    Michihiro...[more]


Characterization of the Colloidal Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter From Forest Soils Viktoriia Meklesh1,2*, Luigi Gentile3†, Erika Andersson2, Abhishek Bhattacharya4, Marcelo A. de Farias5, Mateus...[more]


Versatile Association Behavior in Mixtures of Oppositely Charged Amphiphiles: From DNA-like Assembly of Supramolecular Helices to Coacervation in Chiral Surfactant Systems Guanqun Du. Opponent: Prof. Dr. Gradzielski,...[more]


Peter Jönsson, senior lecturer at the Department of Chemistry and affiliated to NanoLund, is awarded this year's prize from the Sven and Ebba-Christina Hagberg Foundation. Jönsson is being recognized for his studies of...[more]


Chemical Society in Lund has decided to award the Blomstrand prize 2021 to docent Fredrik Tiberg.  Prize ceremony and prize lecture will take place on Wednesday November 24 at 17.00 in lecture hall A, Chemical Center,...[more]


It is with great sadness we announce that our colleague and dear friend Prof. Maria da Graça Miguel passed away on 4 October. Over the years Maria had many research collaborations with members of PhysChem, and she was also during...[more]

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