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News and events at Physical Chemistry


Emma Sparr, Professor of Physical Chemistry, was honoured with the Arrhenius medal at an event in Lund. The Arrhenius medal is presented every year to outstanding chemists or to other people who have done valuable work for the...[more]


She received the prize for important contribution to research in the lipid field with new ideas on lipid assemblies, their function, and applications. [more]


Martin Malmsten has been appointed guest professor (20 %) at the division of Physical Chemistry from April 1. Martin got his PhD, here at our division, in 1992. After that he worked for a short period in the pharma industry,...[more]


Erika Andersson has received the 2018 Bo Rydin Foundation Award for Best Master’s Thesis within the strategic areas of SCA: personal hygiene products, tissue paper and forest products. Erika’s thesis title was Dissolution...[more]


Karin Schillén, Division of Physical Chemistry, has been offered a Guest Professorship at the Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome from the Sapienza Visiting Professor Programme 2018 with a contribution of 9,000...[more]


Axel Rüter, PhD student at the Division of Physical Chemistry, received the ECIS-Substantia 2018 Young Scientist Award at the annual meeting of the European Colloid and Interface Society, in Ljubljana. The prize is awarded...[more]


Felix Roosen-Runge, researcher at the Division of Physical Chemistry, has received the Wolfram Prandl prize 2018 of the Committee Research with Neutrons in Germany. The prize is awarded “for his studies on...[more]


Brett Pogostin, 2018 graduate from Haverford College in Pennsylvania, USA, has received a Fulbright award to spend one year at the Division of Physical Chemistry.  [more]


The Knut and Alice Wallenberg (KAW) project on "Anisotropic Forces in Colloid Chemistry” has been running for two and a half years now and we are organising a mid-term meeting where the current state of the project will be...[more]


Niels Boon, researcher at the Division of Physical Chemistry, has received the University’s honorary prize for future innovations. The prize, amounting to SEK 35,000, is awarded for the project “Total electric desalination...[more]

Displaying results 41 to 50 out of 87.

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