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Blomstrand award 2021


A new scattering sample holder design, 3D printed in copper for improved thermal transfer characteristics during sample heating/cooling operations.  Dual longitudinal contact fins added to the capillary mount to improve the...[more]


The recent paper by Erika Andersson et al. in Geoderma has been selected as Editor’s Choice for April 2023: Erika’s paper gives a detailed physicochemical...[more]


Jan Dhont, Professor at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf and former Director of the Institute of Biomacromolecular Systems and Processes at Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany, receives the honorary doctorate by the...[more]


Christopher Ward is assisting a European collaboration on the development of a novel x-ray detector associated with scattering and fluorescence methods.  He was recently listed as a co-author on a...[more]


Jennifer Gilbert has been awarded for best poster in Life Sciences at the NanoLund Annual meeting 11 October for poster "Lipid nanoparticles using cationic ionisable lipids: Effect of cargo on structure.[more]


Peter Schurtenberger, Professor at Physical Chemistry,  has received the prestigious Graham Prize, issued by the German Colloid Society ( The Graham Prize...[more]


Nikol Labecka has been awarded a scholarship of SEK 11,000 from Bengt Lundqvist's Memory for researcher exchange 2022/2023. Link (in Swedish) Stiftelsen Bengt Lundqvists minne - Svenska Kemisamfundet[more]


Joakim Stenhammar, senior lecturer at the Division of Physical Chemistry, has been awarded 250 000 SEK from the Per-Eric and Ulla Schyberg foundation. The grant was awarded for his research on in the field of active matter,...[more]


Karin has been elected to the Council of the International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists (IACIS) as an Ordinary Council Member. In total, the service lasts for 6 years starting from June 29th 2022. IACIS...[more]


Structure and anisotropic dynamics of stimuli responsive colloidal ellipsoids at the nearest neighbor length scale Antara Pal, Md. Arif Kamal, Peter...[more]

Displaying results 11 to 20 out of 86.

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